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Blog Comments posted by Shadow-Nui

  1. The vast entity of your awesomeness is nowhere neared by anyone of this earth -- you are unbeatable in terms of amazing skill and awesomeness, and the aforementioned details are shared only in lesser amounts than previously described.


    How's that?



    You are now the most EPIC WIN member ever.


    The vast entity of your awesomeness is nowhere neared by anyone of this earth -- you are unbeatable in terms of amazing skill and awesomeness, and the aforementioned details are shared only in lesser amounts than previously described.


    How's that?






    A bigger lie, I have not heard. :P

    And you are the biggest person in denial. :P

  2. Famfrit the Darkening Cloud is an Esper from the world of Ivalice. The Esper of Water, he represents the Zodiac sign of Aquarius, the Water Carrier. This is evident since he carries a large jug on his shoulder. From his power of Water, his color sign is Clear.






    I did research.







  3. PS3 = Graphics


    360 = Online


    PS3 has PSN,

    And from what I heard it's free, right?


    [-The Alchemyst-]



    I'm leaning to the PS3 side since of the RRD for the 360...


    Red ring of Death?

    Yea, dunno how common it is exactly, but I heard it was pretty widespread.


    PSN = Free = Free Games [WIPEOUT HD]

    PS3 = Better Graphics [Get Folklore]

    PS3 = Blu-Ray [Not a major Pro, but meh]


    [-The Alchemyst-]

    Yeah, my cousin got it the other day. =/


    Hmmm, I think the PS3 will be my choice.

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