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Nathan Evo

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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Nah, I endorse noob wars so long as they aren't by actual noobs. =P

  2. No problem. In fact, that could actually come in handy for other characters.

  3. *extinguishes flames with a garden hose*

  4. So I hear. . .

    End discussion.

  5. McGyiyg seems confident about this plan of his. I have yet to receive a transmission from him.

  6. She invented the drive-thru. She also started weird fads with men with red hair in braids starting rebellions over hot, juicy burgers. I'll get someone else on the mission.

  7. Can you say anything without making it a joke? =P

  8. I'm already aware you're supposed to mail them, Blade. In fact, how'd you think I got in second (subject to change) on Ebba's contest?

  9. Hmmm...

    Muffin-flavored muffins.

    Or maybe they're rolls.

    Muffins are better than rolls.

  10. liek lolz i thot u wernt premer b-cuz u didnt updat ur blog. *stops speaking noobish*

  11. no u can shoop da woop wiht ur muoth closd but hten ud exploed

  12. i haet blaed. adn laemnaem cheddur beff. adn gurky. adn ebaa da kronhiclur. adn vaakmkt.

    adn im aswum.

    no waet nevur midn

  13. uh nuhuh u dont!!ill call roho on u!!1!!11!!111!1!

  14. Haha, I only realized that after three tries.

  15. Well, now you've got my other Brawl main.

  16. I remember when I was lucky enough to defeat ten enemies in Cruel Brawl in SSBB. Good times.

    *notices pattern in comments*

  17. Yup, he's my second favorite Brawl fighter.

    I've played as him over fourty- or is it fifty?- times.

    Yoshi I've played as over eighty times.

  18. Boy, you really are a Steelers fan, aren't ya?

    Actually, some of my relatives are from Penn., so I happen to be somewhat a Steelers fan myself.

  19. Thgis next one isn't really a warning, but it'll do. . . Right?

  20. You guys are starting flame wars!

    burn stuf!!11!!1!!

  21. Shadok: I had to delete most of the pics. Good thing I got a new camera.

    Xaeraz: Only when you leave comments like that. *shudders*

  22. Now I lost! Looks like you're going up a rank, VTK.

  23. I don't think Tav is going to be an author, Ebba.


    Anyways, you should use caution when you use the spray for this next one. . .

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