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Nathan Evo

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Status Updates posted by Nathan Evo

  1. I don't have it. Though an image of it reminded me of Super Mario Galaxy. I might not get it, as I'm waiting for M&L RPG 3. Which is a bad sign when NP predicted it would come out this month and they haven't come out with a name for it yet.

  2. Xaeraz strikes again.

  3. That wasn't an insult. That's good!

    There actually wasn't any need to remove that spoiler.

  4. Noting you found it, there's no reason to tell it here.

  5. New discussion has begun.

    So, who here likes vanilla pudding?

  6. I'm actually thinking about quitting comedy-writing. No one appreciates my work, and all I get is blade_titan974, who I believe is stalking me.

  7. I dunno. His username was Dok McSpork or something to that effect.

  8. I though it was contortical!

  9. What, Nashville Star? No. . . he was a freelance cameraman back then. He doesn't work there anymore.

    And I hated that comedy, personally.

  10. liek zomg!!1!!@!!~!!marinara!!

  11. You could set up a trade module, though. I've got loads of honey pots.

  12. I just changed it.

  13. AHA! It's my evil archnemesis, GNUKLEAR! We meet again, but this time the victory will be mine! Prepare for a ZAMOR to the face, GNUKLEAR!

  14. Your banner.

    I loved that game.

  15. Yeah. Well, Takuma Nuva, your sig is six lines long, plus the double enter thing.

  16. and liek zomg i got sum nitros!!@!!~!!Q!!

  17. no u misndusatdn

    wer noobs

    adn we debaet

    htats ar war

    but if u watn 2 fihgt hten ill satrt biuldign noobots

  18. I thought I SENT the PM! What happened?!

  19. ...liek zomg hes trimin da bushs!!1!!@!!~!!guacamole!!

  20. Actually, I think your stomach would fall asleep.

    *feeds dog shampoo to fish*

  21. Oh, never mind. Found it. Didn't show up, for some reason.

  22. liek zomg takum a hazezz for izezz!1!!@!!~!!exclamation!

  23. Now that PP is just nuts. . . XD

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