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Nathan Evo

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Posts posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Okay, everyone. I'm planning a big update to this soon, which will probably be the last-ever update to the official sixshade Chimoru kit. Ever.So, basically, if there's something you want me to sixshade for the final update, just request it here (or PM me if that's not allowed). Also, if you provide me with a link to whatever it is you want sixshaded, that would be greatly appreciated and way more likely to end up in the update.I will NOT do:-Dark709's expressions (which I already did and then took down)-Other members' Chimoru modifications-Anything from Hero Factory (because I've got other plans for that)

  2. I don't see anything goofy at all about them, personally. Breez's expression is wonderfully subdued, Furno has a simple, confident grin, Rocka's mouth is no different than on the Breakout version, and Bulk has a scowl that doesn't seem at all goofy to me. Is having faces that look like they have actual expressions somehow inherently goofy? Because if so, there are a lot of collectors who should probably be taking sharpies to their vintage Star Wars and G.I. Joe action figures right about now.As far as I can tell, not one of these characters has a printed face, although Furno's visor seems to be printed.

    The printing is on the helmets underneath their visors. It's especially evident on Bulk, who seems to be scowling with his weird greenish teeth.I guess the only real reason I dislike the printed expressions is because they just instantly started using them and it just feels wrong to me. I'm sure I'll get over it later.
  3. Is there a Six Shade acsesory kit?
    If you mean like the non-BIONICLE stuff in the bishade Chimoru kit like cloaks and guns and the like, there's probably a few unofficial ones floating around, but they aren't my concern.If you mean the expressions, I took those down long ago because people ultimately failed to realize you needed Dark's permission to use them and I have no intention if putting them back up.
  4. The operative word was larger.I will concede only to Core Hunter. I must have forgotten him because Core Hunter makes me cuddly warm on the inside that I forgot that he was a Lego set and not my best friend.
    It's okay, we all forget things like that. Why, just the other day, I stopped by the LEGO store and thought "Why is Makaru's best friend in a bag on a shelf?"
  5. Oh boy. Let's see here...

    • All Toa Mata
    • All Toa Inika
    • All '08 Toa Nuva, along with Photok, Tanma, and Solek
    • The Axalara T9, yellow Jetrax T6 and Rockoh T3
    • those LEGO Architecture models of the White House and the Seattle Space Needle
    • that Star Wars planet thing with the Death Star and TIE Interceptor
    • some Star Wars set I don't quite remember the name of
    • All Stars
    • All Rahkshi
    • All Piraka
    • All Toa Metru, Turaga, and '04 Matoran on one shelf
    • All the 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and first-wave Breakout Heroes on one shelf
    • All Agori, Glatorian, and Glatorian Legends on one shelf
    • Fire Lord
    • Rocka XL
    • Black Phantom
    • both Tarakava
    • Sidorak
    • '08 Takanuva
    • Witch Doctor
    • three Heroes I ordered from the Hero Recon Team thing
    • Exo-Toa
    • Vezon, minus cape and Fenrakk
    • Breakout Bulk, Nex, and Stringer
    • All McToran, including Hafu
    • Boxor
    • chrome Hau and orange Vahi
    • a MOC of the Blue Falcon from F-Zero

    I have a lot of shelves.

  6. Like Arga said, I keep quitting because i keep getting the same kind of criticism.
    You know what would really help?If you actually took that criticism rather than starting over and expecting us to say something different. Criticism exists to help you improve, not to simply point out your flaws.
  7. Okay, really?This isn't even a comic. If anything, it's less of a comic than I Ship It, and that was pretty terrible. At least I Ship It obtained sprites, which is more than I can say here.I'd be a bit more partial to this if it was your first attempt, as shown by I Ship It, Spherustracks, and Ways to Make Teachers Cringe, you've clearly done this over and over and the act is getting old. I know you think of it as "insanity" and yourself as "insane", but honestly the rest of us would take an actual comic over insanity every day.My advice for you? Next time you make an "intro comic", ACTUALLY MAKE IT A COMIC. Though at this point I'm fairly sure you'll completely ignore that.Also, yeah, you don't see "the bigshots" handling multiple story arcs, but I don't see them slapping a bunch of text on a bunch of panels just advertising a series which at this rate I'm certain will never exist and calling it a comic.

  8. I think people have made the "you should use Chimoru" joke like three times nowSeriously someone at least recommend Xanramoru or something
    no he should use Sonic sprites and extra dodge tool
  9. Is the whole ICC in Karzhani or just you, Kahi, and Philbert?I've never read your comics before and while they're not "OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS" good these are still much better than most on the form and obviously you know what to do better than I so there isn't a whole lot to say on these.So yeah '1000000/10 kutgw' or something along those lines.
    No, just certain ones that died thus far.Actually, Philbert changed his author avatar recently, so the old one thus died. I believe he was sacrificed to Dark709 by a tribe of noobs in Comic 7.And thanks.
  10. (At least make a Bzpower comics wiki page on this. XD)
    UGGGGHHHHHWHY CAN'T YOU DO THAT YOURSELFOkay, I'm going to warn you that I might end up being a little harsh here, and if that's the case I apologize in advance. I'm not a regular reader of your work, so I didn't exactly know what to expect, and as a result I may end up contradicting everything I say here.But seriously, this was something of a letdown to me.When I read the opening monologue you wrote for this concerning the creativity of the forum still going strong, I personally thought at the time that this forum was as good as dead. Most of the comics I had seen on here ranged from okay to mediocre to cringeworthy. Your announcement for UNISON at least gave me some shard of hope, and I was legitimately more than glad to join.I can honestly say that I wasn't expecting a giant fight scene with all the participants beating each other to death.And not even that, in some points. From what I saw of the "DAY X" listings, I thought it would be seven comics long. What I got was three comics, two hind-kissing pages of text, and one "photo" featuring all the participants which I felt would have been quite awesome if the graphics didn't make my eyes bleed. Oh, yeah, and one day worth of nothing.Another thing that really got to me was the graphics. The retina-scarring smudge tool was more than I could handle. On top of that, apparently these comics are enormous and more than my iPad can handle, because they keep crashing it.But the biggest letdown of all was the ending. A massive explosion taking up several (individual) panels, and the moon darkening and waning. I just don't get it. Admittingly, this is more of a personal gripe if anything, but I felt the ending was just way too... vague for my liking.Don't get me wrong. Uniting the Comics forum's authors is a great idea and generally a difficult thing to pull off. I was attempting something similar a long time ago but ultimately gave up. I'm glad you at least tried to pull this off, and it's not a bad comic in general, but all in all I was pretty disappointed.However, I do agree that you should do something similar for the Advent Calendar, uniting the authors in some way than in a total melee. That is, assuming we have an Advent Calendar this year.
  11. I love them. They're a great place to go if you want to see some nearly depressing bring-back-BIONICLE drama.
    BZP still has its own share if that, in certain places.
    Maybe so, but it's not as depressing.But does BZP have Hero Factory shipping wars and overprotective parents?
  12. Ooh, plot twist!Also, I see you used a rendition of the background I used for TMUCW, though recolored brown. I like that.All in all, good comic. Looking forward to seeing where the action comes in. I'm sorry I don't have much to say beyond the generic message "lol kutgw 1000000/10", but I'm really trying. Posting responses has been pretty hard for me lately.EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention from my last post is how I like that in this series, most of the main characters are Toa. Honestly I haven't seen a lot of series that do that (though admittingly it's not like I've been trying). Nonetheless, it's still quite refreshing from all the "X's Comics 1.0" archetype that has dominated the Comics forum since the dawn of time.

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