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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. So, my pastor was saying something about mother's day, and why he wasn't doing a mother's day specific sermon. He said: "One issue someone may bring up is that not all women are mothers. This is true, not all women are mothers, and not all mothers are... *pause* *everybody laughs* My point is I'm not going to preach a mothers exclusive sermon!" But anyways, happy mother's day to everybody's moms, and to you too, Macku!
  2. Thanks for insulting me in my own blog... Anyway, I wasn't 100 percent serious, man. But... ADMIN POWERS!
  3. Well, I spent my afternoon spreading mulch in flowerbeds. You can imagine how exciting that was... But did you ever actually stop to think about what mulch is? We rake up the leaves that the trees drop, that would normally keep the ground insulated and all that, and replace them with mulch, which is shredded up trees! Who's idea was that, anyways?
  4. Yeah, by a few thousand. I was going to stop around 4k, but then I saw that SZ: Nokama'sDreamyLoverBoy had written Nokama over 5000 times So of course I had to keep going.
  5. Whoo! I finished! I currently have 6025 words, making it the longest profile on BZP by over 300 words! Thanks for all your non-existent support, everyone!
  6. Longest profile on BZP, now! Yayz! Read it all and I'll give you 5 bucks or a cookie...

  7. Boogie Monsta


    Yeah, so for the past day, I've been working on the longest profile interests list on BZP. I've gotta make it past 5500 word, just to beat SZ: Nokama's DreamyLoverBoy, even though it's not really a full interest list.. Anyways, wish me luck. I do have limited interests...
  8. Is that the companion cube one? Beat it...
  9. I guess you can just back up...
  10. 1. Um... a Seether concert, or the inside of a bank vault... 2. Mental Blast 3. Not really... 4. Seether's 'Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces'. Although, that's closely combatted by KoRn's 'Issues.' *zombies from Issues attack the purple demon girl* 5. Pineapple! Those hurt more when you throw them. 6. Wouldn't change mine for the world. 7. Nope!
  11. Well, I dug into my funny stuff folder, and found a few more. Here's one:
  12. She doesn't die. Not quite. Hence the song over the credits. But I, in her words... "Broke my heart, and killed me, tore me to pieces, and threw every piece into a fire."
  13. I killed GLaDOS on the first try . But that game is seriously awesome. I'll take on the bonus levels next, I guess.
  14. Liek Lolzors! Somebody else who likes them! XD

  15. I got Portal! Already on test chamber 18, had to incinerate my companion cube already . But anyways, the reason I'm not on as much is cuz I'm playing it
  16. Boogie Monsta


    Yeah, so I'm back now. Thankfully the absence was short-term rather than long. Anyways, the FSPOT should resume soon. And you guys need to tell your friends about it! We need more people.
  17. I actually featured that one earlier in the FSPOT (in case you didn't know.)
  18. Boogie Monsta


    I'll be on a short term absence for idk how long. Could be days, could be weeks. Anyways bye!
  19. Ok, it's over. I'm a little disappointed in all you entrants who did nothing, but I wasn't expecting a big turnout... Anyways, Boba and Koontay tied. So this'll stay open until someone beats the other.
  20. Martin the Warrior, closely followed by Triss.

  21. It ends tonight, guys, get your entries in!
  22. Another one, just read it. PS: I've not all that many pics left, so unless I find some more there might not be many more FSPOTs
  23. The avatar is the cover of Seether's latest album, Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces. Just to clear up confusion.

  24. You have just this week left to play in TrogdorCon I! So if you've entered, but not posted your high score, or if you've not entered and want to, hurry! 6 days to go...
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