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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    Master of Puppets is totally better than Welcome to the Jungle. Go get new sources, VH1!
    Doesn't it annoy you when people take your phone, and they're female, so you can't attack them to get it?
    It does..

  2. Boogie Monsta
    So anyway. Angel's not interested.. ='(
    But for some reason I'm not as depressed about it as I thought I'd be..
    I might even turn out ok if I didn't have to do this STUPID MATH HOMEWORK.
    So now there's a necklace in a box under my bed.. Crushed dreams..
    But then again, there's nothing quite like Nirvana and Powerman 5000 to get you through hard times. So.. yeah.
    Also, Takia's thinking about it..
  3. Boogie Monsta
    But anyways, I've an awesome idea for an avvie. An animated gif of Chester A. Bum (of Bum Review/Nostalgia Critic acclaim) saying, "Dude, where's my car?"
    He's seriously hilarious looking.
    TakaNuvia isn't sure.. Hope she decides soon..
    Bought a necklace for Angel today, it's one of those open-heart ones they keep having commercials for. Mom wouldn't let me buy the one with diamonds because she didn't think I should spend that kind of money.. But hopefully it'll go over well anyway. If Angel's dad lets me give it to her.
    And then the Keanu Reeves alien is like! "Dude. You shot me. Bummer."
    That reminds me of a funny story..
    My friend, rite? She was walking through Japan or somewhere like that listening to music (the song was called I Hope You Die) and somebody on the street comes up and asks her what she's listening to. So she leans close to their ear and whispers, "I hope you die."
  4. Boogie Monsta
    So I'm like 16 and stuff now =D
    Haven't heard from Taka Nuvia since last night..
    Also I need to take this opportunity to say that When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5000 is a kick-awesome song.
    It like single-handedly got me into metal.
    Also Memoria.
  5. Boogie Monsta
    I has Vorox, Malum, and Terix!
    As well as an acoustic geetar, and a new Angels shirt.
    And a key with fire on it. Which is cool.
    And OMIGOSH Lost was amazing last nite.
    TakaNuvia's deciding..
  6. Boogie Monsta
    Laughin’Man: So you want to marry my wife, eh?! *Headshot.*
    Ferhago: *respawns* Not now! If she wasn't married, I would, yeah, you can't deny her awesome-tude.. But I'm not now. *aims shotgun down waiting for your response*
    Laughin’Man: Oh
    Laughin’Man: Well, you'd better watch it... *Reloads Imperialist.*
    Ferhago: Don't worry, man. She's yours, you've waited far too long.
    Ferhago: *BOOOM*
    Ferhago: *click click*
    Ferhago: That's for the headshot.
    Ferhago: But anyways, truce now.
    Laughin’Man: *Falls over backwards.*
    Laughin’Man: x.x
    Ferhago: Oh, come now, we were playing with more than one life..
    Laughin’Man: *Respawns.*
    Laughin’Man: *Headshot.*
    Laughin’Man: That was for shooting me over the headshot!
    Ferhago: *respawns*
    Ferhago: *BOOOOM*
    Ferhago: *click click*
    Ferhago: *shields*
    Ferhago: Oh wait.
    Ferhago: *jumpy thing into the corner*
    Laughin’Man: You know, I have this weapon called a Magmaul... Basically, if you pull the trigger and hold it down, it'll supercharge... And if you fire it at someone and hit them while it's charged, it'll set 'em on fire.
    Laughin’Man: *Charges.*
    Laughin’Man: *Aims.*
    Ferhago: *jumps*
    Laughin’Man: *Fires.*
    Laughin’Man: Argh!
    Ferhago: I've played Metroid Hunters, I know the weapons.
    Ferhago: But nothing beats the ol' shotgun.
    Ferhago: *dives and rolls*
    Ferhago: *BOOOM*
    Ferhago: *click click*
    Ferhago: Hah! I'm ahead now! happy.gif
    Laughin’Man: *Respawns.*
    Ferhago: *dives again*
    Laughin’Man: Ever seen what they call suicide combat?
    Ferhago: We're playing on the magma field, rite?
    Laughin’Man: You run up to your opponent
    Ferhago: Like with the tower in the middle?
    Laughin’Man: And fire
    Ferhago: Getting close = shotgun bait..
    Ferhago: *click click*
    Laughin’Man: And not care at all how many times they shoot you, you just keep shooting them
    Laughin’Man: Well
    Laughin’Man: I'm not gonna do that
    Laughin’Man: *Headshot.*
    Ferhago: *splash*
    Ferhago: Ow.
    Laughin’Man: *Switches to Volt Driver.*
    Ferhago: *respawns and grabs the 200 health yellow ball*
    Ferhago: I luvs volt driver..
    Ferhago: I always call it the gunk shot..
    Ferhago: *click click*
    Ferhago: *runs in*
    Ferhago: *BOOOOM*
    Laughin’Man: *Runs around you in circles.*
    Ferhago: *click click*
    Ferhago: *BOOOM!*
    Ferhago: *click click*
    Laughin’Man: *Jumps up onto a ledge.*
    Ferhago: *jumps into air*
    Ferhago: *hits jumpy thing*
    Laughin’Man: *Dives and rolls behind a rock.*
    Ferhago: *rockets across screen*
    Laughin’Man: *Switches to Magmaul.*
    Ferhago: *bounces*
    Ferhago: *bounces*
    Laughin’Man: *BOOM*
    Laughin’Man: *BOOMBOOMBOOM*
    Ferhago: *on fire, but still living cuz he has lotsa health&
    Ferhago: *click click*
    Laughin’Man: *BOOM*
    Ferhago: *BOOOM*
    Ferhago: *dies from burn*
    Ferhago: How many lives we playing?
    Ferhago: We're both 4 gone.
    Ferhago: And Julia said we can be friends again! =D
    Ferhago: *surprise attack since you're just standing there*
    Ferhago: *BOOOM!*
    Ferhago: *click click*
    Laughin’Man: Argh
    Laughin’Man: Power went out
    Ferhago: =(
    Laughin’Man: *Headshot.*
    Ferhago: Well, that's 5 gone from you..
    Ferhago: Wait, how many lives were we *death*
    Laughin’Man: =D
    Laughin’Man: *Switches weapon.*
    Ferhago: *respawns behind rocks*
    Ferhago: *dives out, transforms into secondary, which is a sweet little kitty*
    Ferhago: *rubs your legs*
    Laughin’Man: *Turns into secondary, which is a waffle.*
    Ferhago: *devours the waffle*
    Ferhago: *transforms*
    Laughin’Man: *Own'd.*
    Ferhago: *digests*
    Laughin’Man: *Respawns.*
    Laughin’Man: *Headshot.*
    Ferhago: *dives*
    Ferhago: Aw.
    Ferhago: Almost.
    Ferhago: *splash*
    Laughin’Man: *Hums Weird Al's Trigger Happy.*
    Laughin’Man: *BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM.*
    Ferhago: *hasn't respawned yet due to not making it before the 15 seconds*
    Ferhago: *respawns whistling Rock is Dead*
    Ferhago: *BOOOM!*
    Ferhago: *click click*
    Laughin’Man: *Respawns.*
    Laughin’Man: Hey
    Ferhago: *dives behind*
    Ferhago: *the pedestal*
    Laughin’Man: What arena is this, anyway?
    Ferhago: That magma one with the bouncy things in a chain and the big platform in the middle.
    Laughin’Man: HAHAHA
    Laughin’Man: I OWN AT THAT ONE
    Laughin’Man: In the actual game
    Ferhago: That's my field. too.
    Ferhago: We've gotta fite sometime..
    Laughin’Man: You have WiFi?
    Ferhago: Yup.
    Laughin’Man: And MPH?
    Ferhago: Yup.
    Laughin’Man: Yes, we must fight some time
    Laughin’Man: Maybe a three-person battle with Avohkah Tamer
    Ferhago: Kanden = My dawg.
    Ferhago: *battle over*
    Ferhago: Ferhago wins, 7-6!
    Ferhago: =D
  7. Boogie Monsta
    My birthday's on Thursday, and I think I'll finally tell everyone how old I am..
    So tomorrow nite!
    Whoever makes the birthday topic gets like 20 points, too.
  8. Boogie Monsta
    Did you just seriously ask "What game?"
    1. You're always playing the game.
    2. When you think about the game, you lose the game.
    3. When you lose the game, you must announce it.
    *cuts another notch in the prison wall with his knife*
  9. Boogie Monsta
    Well, this year, it means:
    a) We get an awesome ~new Seether song.
    2) I'm saving up hundreds of dollars to buy a necklace for Angel.
    c) I STILL might have to be gone all day because of robotics.
    d) It's Tom's birthday =D
    e) Possibly something else that I don't know yet.
    Also that it's really annoying that b ) changes to an emote. 4 srs.
  10. Boogie Monsta
    Got Angel's cell #, she seemed really happy, but she hasn't said too much, nothing since last night..
    Julia still feels horrible, almost asked her to go to a movie with me, but she didn't look like she could.. Turns out she couldn't anyway..
    I need more Stone Temple Pilots.
    And I got you to paint the sorrow on my day,
    And I got you to paint the roses on my grave,
    And I got you.
  11. Boogie Monsta
    So. Here's the motorcycles and the freight trains.
    The motorcycles are (usually) fast and versatile, and can do a lot of different things. But when troubles (aka dudes with skull bandanas) show up, they can't hold more than one or two at a time before they crash. However, since motorcycles are relatively light, they can usually kick-start back pretty quickly. There are different varieties that take a bit longer to start back up, but those usually have the awesome 3-foot-long aero package to make up for it.
    Now the freight trains. They barrel along, not even semitrucks can stop them. They can do a limited number of things, but they do them really well. And when the dudes with skull bandanas jump aboard, there's plenty of room, and they still keep right on truckin'. Eventually, tho, all the dudes with skull bandanas get to the conductor, and the entire train crashes, causing rampant devastation. It takes days or weeks to get a freight train back up and running again.
    You'll get your occasional mopeds and jet planes, but those are the two basic groups.
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