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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    Hay peeps
    People can like whatever they want.
    Stop putting down other people and the things they like.
    If you don’t like something someone else likes, say it nicely or else keep it to yourself.
    If you’re gonna put someone down because they’re not like you, then that’s reason enough for them not to be.
    Stop trying to force other people to like the things you like because their interests (be it musical, artistic, literary, anything) do not meet the standards by which you judge “good taste”.
    Bottom line? Respect other people and their interests. If you think something is “stupid”, “overrated”, or whatever- fine. But keep it to yourself. Even in private chats.
  2. Boogie Monsta
    I hates it. Especially when life's like
    Hay, we could throw him a curveball, but let's throw him one of those bizarre mutant pitches from Backyard Baseball. You know the ones.

  3. Boogie Monsta

    Yes you.
    Get off the computer and go watch Monk on USA. It's the last one ever until some little-known network takes the series and ruins it in like 10 years.
  4. Boogie Monsta
    Burns so good
    Come on baby, make it burn so good
    Sometimes lungs don't feel like they should
    Make it burn so good
    So apparently he's quitting smoking if an arbitrary amount of people join a group..
    I don't really care, I just wanted to post the top part
  5. Boogie Monsta
    O noez its gonna be horrible and ill not give a dime to lego now :burnmad:
    But srsly I'm actually kind of glad it's over. It was teetering on the edge of suckiness, and given where every other franchise that lasted too long went, I'm fairly certain it would've jumped off and spiraled into said suckiness within a year or two.
    Personally I would've preferred to leave it at Makuta wins. After all, you can't defeat a universe. Any being that can kill and create anything with a thought can't be defeated by road tripping. In fact, Bionicle in general had/has a problem with beings not using their power for its full potential. That's another thing I won't be sorry to see go - and why '04 was by far my favorite year.
    But all in all, it was awesome, and now it's over. Accept it and move on.
  6. Boogie Monsta
    So we were discussing presidential assassination in Sunday school today, and it gave birth to a Halo game mode in my head.
    It's a variant of Juggernaut.
    The president is randomly selected, and gets a plasma rifle and a mauler. There's a signal beam sitting in the main chamber of his palace, which he has. A palace.
    Everyone else is assassins. They get invisibility and a pistol. The president has health to survive 2 pistol shots, and the assassins have slightly more, but the plasma rifle and mauler (close up) still kill them in 1 shot.
    The president gets points slowly for every second he lives, and the assassin who kills him gets 50 points. The round ends at 50.
  7. Boogie Monsta
    I'm heading to Wal-Mart to stake out my spot at 2:30a. Why, you ask? Well let me tell you.
    Xbox 360 Elite
    Halo ODST
    Batman: Arkham Asylum
    Dirt 2
    Rock Band
    All Rock Band instruments for the 360
    All for $250 bucks off. That's paying $430 for $680 worth of stuff =D
    I'm PUMPED. Some frenzied mom tries to jack my 360, I'll be like LADY'S FACE, MEET MY KNEECAP. KNEECAP, LADY'S FACE. GET ACQUAINTED
  8. Boogie Monsta
    So I'm getting a 360 for Christmas, and I need some good T games to hold me til my b-day. I'm thinking Dirt 2 for now, any better suggestions?
    (Yes, I have super-conservative parents. Shut up.)
  9. Boogie Monsta
    There's a hostile alien about to murder you. When life gives you a gun, you shoot it. Don't stand there and hope it doesn't notice you.
  10. Boogie Monsta
    Once there was a rabbit. His name was Steve. One day, Steve wanted to go raid the farmer's vegetable garden. "Don't you go in there," his mother warned, "The farmer murders innocent rabbits every day." Steve looked through the fence at the delicious turnips and tomatoes growing in the garden, and decided to take matters into his own hands. He ran to his gangsta friend's house, borrowed a pimp hat and some bling, and went to the garden. He casually picked up a turnip, and suddenly a bullet whistled past his head. "Hey, hombes!" he shouted. "Not cool, bro!" He flicked some of his bling just to show the farmer he meant business. The bullet that knocked off his hat showed that the farmer had different intentions. Steve bolted back home. "That farmer has gone too far this time," thought Steve. "Shootin' his homeboy like that." Steve grabbed his rabbity cell phone and called up PETA, who immediately began picketing and demonstrating all over the farmer's property. Steve put his hat back on and returned to the garden, to see the farmer huddled on his back porch. "Hey, hombes, can I have some o' yo' veggibles now?" "Sure, brah," replied the farmer. "Just get these maniacs off my back." Steve picked a delicious turnip and ran into the front yard. He held the turnip high in victory, and the crowds of PETA members cheered and left.
    And that's why Steve is always so dang smooth with the ladies.
    And that's how I made a random girl on Mystery Google's day. =D
  11. Boogie Monsta
    There's no A.
    Srsly, what kind of console has no A?
    My basest gamer instincts are to hit A and see what happens.
    Heck, my first video game was Mario Kart Double Dash
    A was like the holy grail of PUSH IT DANGIT.
    And that's why I don't like PS2 or PS3.
  12. Boogie Monsta
    Lulz guys it was a convo between me and Uepari. It's true that I don't like the fact there's no A button, but Than's arguments (and Halo and Bioshock 2) are the reasons I'm getting 360 over PS3.
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