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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    I enjoy them.
    Am I the only one who finds it amusing that a lot of the biggest banners are from well-known/respected people, with the notable exception of SPIRIT?
    Yeah that's about all I had..
    The mods get a nod of respect.

  2. Boogie Monsta
    So I had 10 bucks I had nothing to do with, so I picked up the original Gears of War yesterday.. Now I wonder why I didn't do it way earlier. Even if you ignore the chainsaw gun (but who wants to do that?) the dive-behind-cover button is one of the best controls I've seen in a game ever. XP If it wasn't 5 years old I'd rant way more about it.
    So now I'm wondering, is GoW2 just as good? I know 3's coming up in not too long, but I'd rather play through 1 and 2 first.
    *obligatory discovery of fire/spanish inquisition/you/today pic*
  3. Boogie Monsta
    I used to respect and listen to a little bit of classic metal, like Metallica, but never liked it at the level of modern metal.
    Then yesterday I bought Countdown to Extinction by Megadeth on a whim, cuz I liked Sweating Bullets, and discovered that I rly rly like them. They're like Metallica with less repetition added to a little bit of Maiden and a tiny bit of Helmet.
    So yeah I'm gaining more metalhead points. WHOO
  4. Boogie Monsta
    Gotta love it..
    Racetrack, water park, roller coasters, woods behind the library..
    Gotta get a job tho v_v But I'm gonna use the money to get purple interior LEDs and Xenon headlights for my car, so it'll be worth it
    Alrite I'm done. How was your day? XP
  5. Boogie Monsta
    [center][color="#cccccc"][color="black"]/l、[color="aliceblue"]-[/color] [/color] [color="aliceblue"]--[/color]([color="#fa64c8"]゚[/color]、 [color="#fa64c8"]。[/color][color="aliceblue"]-[/color] [color="black"]7[color="aliceblue"]---[/color][/color] [color="aliceblue"]---[/color]l、 ~ヽ[color="aliceblue"]--[/color]. [color="aliceblue"]---[/color]じしl_, )ノ[/color][/center]

    /l、- --(゚、 。- 7---
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    ---じしl_, )ノ

    SIG. DO IT.
  6. Boogie Monsta
    The things that happened one time when Jesus was sitting around one Saturday nite thinking "DUDE. There's all this butt in the world and nothing's kicking it! I need to step it up!"
    So he invented something.
    Stuff like: Rob Zombie, the AC130, that unicorn game, girls, Samuel L Jackson, Arnold Schwartzenegger, energy drinks, homestarrunner, scotsmen, and Batman
    Additions welcome
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