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Boogie Monsta

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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    Dude. That was amazing. The horse killed himself, and everything in the video was being found! AND THEN
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  2. Boogie Monsta
    "Cuz that's what friends do!"
    But yeah. Not gonna get it.. I kinda stopped caring about Bionicle in this new place.. If we ever get back to Mata Nui's body.. Well, I'll be older and probably will be over it. Faretheewell, Mata Nui..
  3. Boogie Monsta
    I had a blog entry, but I forgot it.
    Art contest entry coming along. If I come through with the coloring, it may prove that I can actually draw. Worked Taka in there, although I doubt if it's a place she'd want to be in real lifez. I'll probably have Takanuva swoop in and save her or something.. And fix her arm. That'd be good too.
    I laughed for a solid few seconds, since I didn't see the MTV music awards. But still, it's hilarious.
  4. Boogie Monsta
    The one with the Beast.
    And they don't even know it's the beast for a while
    He just starts possessing Toby and the Ood
    Then the Doctor's like, "I'll fall down the shaft!"
    Then he's like
    It's like totally a beast
    And breaks the prison
    And then saves Rose and the others
    With the TARDIS
    That just happens to conveniently have fallen down there.
    OH and it starts on a planet that's orbiting a black hole.
    'twas FAR OUT, man. 8D
  5. Boogie Monsta
    calvinsauce: attractive girl shows interest in you, and you question it?
    calvinsauce: this is called, "being stupid"
    Ferhago: Idk. Ya know how sometimes when everything seems to be working out, but something doesn't feel quite right and you hesitate?
    So yeah. That's what's going on. She's 17 and she's rly pretty. Calvin and Turkii and LM say to ask her out. Outside opinions?

  6. Boogie Monsta
    Did Louie make to through security?
    Yes. His suitcase got through screening fine.
    Good. Do you have his favorite button?
    Be careful with it. You might make him mad too early.
  7. Boogie Monsta
    Rapping takes all the skill of an auctioneer. Seriously. It's not hard. I can do it.
    However, classic rock takes skill. Eddie Van Halen didn't just pick up a guitar, hit the demo button, and start talking fast.
    He practiced for years until he had the skill to play things like Hot For Teacher.
    Seriously. They're nowhere close to equal, Beloved. At least in that respect.
    EDIT: All rock applies, Classic rock just happens to be the debate had in a previous entry.
  8. Boogie Monsta
    It's sad when you can drive through a parking lot with thousands of cars and people, and you're the only one blasting classic rock through your open windows. Everyone else is rapping.
    I guess I should've known, it being a community college and all.. That's where they send those of lower intelligence.
    Me? I'm just here for high school. Shut up.
  9. Boogie Monsta
  10. Boogie Monsta
    ..fall out of pockets on roller coasters.
    So I has a new one! =D
    EnV3, no less.
    It'll take a while to get all my stuff back tho.. And I'll never get that blackmail pic back.. >.<
    Somebody stole the micro-SD card out of it. My old phone was actually found and turned into the amusement park's lost and found, but someone STOLE THE MEMORY CARD FIRST.
    Seriously. Who does that?
  11. Boogie Monsta
    ..may or may not be awesome. Going on Taka Nuvia's word I bought The Very Beast of Dio, hopefully it'll be good.. Although any band with a cover and CD art that awesome has to be.
    Ripping now, I'll listen tonite.
  12. Boogie Monsta
    ..has WAAAAAAY too much time on his hands.
    Apparently he thinks I have enough to do this:

    Just FYI I've gotta do 3 weeks worth of schoolwork in a week and 2 days, so I can see Harry Potter when it comes out.
    So yeah, you can go back to your nice lazy life.
    EDIT: I get some of your arguments, guys. Here's my reply
    @Sidorak (and Cags): I understand what you're saying, and I agree with the basic concept. But what gets me is that the blazing criticizers (at least the ones I've had run-ins with) don't seem to stop and think about the possibility and plausibility of the changes they suggest. You probably didn't know, but it took 2 hours to get a head that good, and I went through every option possible before finally picking that one. I think the eye should be lower, too, but it seemed impossible to do with the parts I had.
    It seems to me that the blazing critics don't really think of that.
    If I'm wrong, then it shouldn't be too hard for them to at least say which parts may work better, aye? I'd gladly accept the blazing criticism if there was any way of fixing it provided. But instead I get a "This sucks, go fix it so I like it." Which doesn't help much when I've already gone as far as I can to make it good.
  13. Boogie Monsta
    ..was a dictator.
    But stallin' is what I'm doing. Ravage WILL be posted sometime..
    Got a sweet new camera, AND Guitar Hero Smash Hits.
    Camera will be used for Ravage posting, GH will be used for time wasting.
    So yeah.
  14. Boogie Monsta
    Yeah, so I borrowed lil bro's camera..
    I'll post him in a topic when I get around to it. And Kirax, I have some parts from the old Technic C-3PO I'll use for the gold parts before the posting.
    =D Link
    Also Lemming jumped off a building.
  15. Boogie Monsta
    Yeah, so I finally had the bright idea to use lil bro's non-bleh camera (since mine was filled with sand in Peru). But while I do that, have a teaser blurry-as-heck pic.
  16. Boogie Monsta
    Hay guyz,
    So, I'm making a Nirvana mix CD to go in my new car I don't have yet, but I only have 8 songs to go on it so far..
    D'you guys have any faves that aren't
    Smells Like Teen Spirit
    In Bloom
    Come As You Are
    Return of the Rat
    Heart-Shaped Box
    Drain You
    or Plateau?
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