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Status Updates posted by ZippyWharrgarbl

  1. Whoa, Mahar, are you the clone of Eljay? Or has he brainwashed you? XD Nah, seriously though, great work on writing. Awesomeness!

  2. Whoa. I've just noticed, I'm one of the very few members that talk in their Comments box.

  3. Whoa... your stuff seems to sound a lot like the voices in my head...

  4. Why not? I'll just need a fancy machine... and a lightning storm... and the full moon... IT'S ALIIIIIVE!


    Pewku: Meh.

  6. Wizard Toa? Sweet! Magic Toa pride, mate. *Hi-Fives*

  7. Woot! He's MINE now, LEGO. >=7

  8. Wouldn't Jaller kill you?

  9. Wow, you're Aussie too? Kool bananas!

  10. Y'ello. How are you?

  11. Ya rly. *Stares hard into space*

  12. Yeah, it used to be green. It was saved in JPEG and the only picture-editing thing I had then was Paint, so I had to do it all by mouse... DX

    Eat the poison mushroom. You know you want to.

  13. You do not see. You hear with your eyes. XP

  14. You know how you have a mental image of someone you meet over the internet coz you can't see their face? My one of you, Gavla, is slowly changing from gummy bear Matoran to penguin.

  15. You may not want to say that in public. We have eyes EVERYWHERE. XD

  16. You mean my Personal pic? Yeah, made it myself from scratch. Thanks Lai! (Lai made my Av)

  17. You remind me of gummy bears for some reason.

  18. Ýou seem to be the personification of 'Yo Gabba Gabba' XD Kidding!

  19. You think I'm male?! Why does everyone think that?! D=

  20. You're having lunch NOW?! It's almost nine!! Your watch is set wrong!

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