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Everything posted by SolarStratocaster

  1. "light"? "whatching"? "justt"? Add it all up and what do you get? 3! Three! Th-re-e! (XD)

  2. Just what the he** does that say in your personal statement?

  3. Cool. By the way, you made 3 typing errors in that last comment. XD

  4. Pretty good, until I had to do my homework. I went to another one of my friend's houses today. What'd you do?

  5. Hey MasterM! Hope you weekend's going well.

  6. In The End is my favorite. I've got several albums by them. Which ones do you have?

  7. You like Linkin Park too?

  8. Here, it's a saturday. Just kinda boring really.

  9. Hey! I was gonna say that! Oh well. Happy birthday!

  10. Alright, I guess, I just sat around, doin' nothing really. So, you bought the movie? Are there any deleted scenes or stuff?

  11. Well, I hope you're having an awesome birthday! I've gotta question, why'd you change your gender?

  12. Mine was alright. I got today off(but I don't know why). But yeah, Transformers was probably the best movie I ever saw. B)

  13. Wow. Sucks I just learned about the contest today, or else I would've joined.
  14. Ohhh, the movie. Yeah, that movie was awesome. I bet it'll win several movie awards.

  15. XD Okay, you're welcome! How'd your day go?

  16. Really? Because I can't see it. XD Where have you been since like over 5 hours ago? Baking cookies?

  17. So, how's your day been?

  18. Thanks EB for what you said in your last topic. You're an awesome friend! =)

  19. I didn't get to hang out with my friend last week, so I'm gonna this week.

    P.S. Chill'ax?

    P.P.S. I've been wondering, what is that you're using for a personal photo?

  20. Yeah. Well, what're you gonna do this weekend?

  21. I get out at 3:45. Lucky you, getting to make a video! Today in Earth Science, we made volcanoes and did explosions! I've gotta study for an american history test monday. So, if you get out at 2:05, when does your school year start? Mine started on Aug. 13.

  22. Buried in homework(again). *Sigh* Oh well. Tis the life of an 8th grader. At least the weekend's here(for me! haha!). When do you get out of school? Don't middle schoolers get out at 3:45?

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