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Everything posted by SolarStratocaster

  1. Yo MasterM(hope you like the nickname I gave you)! How'd your day go?

  2. That's good. =) I've never held one against you either. 'night.

    Logging off...

  3. Anyway, I gotta go to bed, so I'll talk to ya later. Have a good night! =)

  4. ...oh. Then I've got a good idea what it probably was. Sorry about that last comment, you can delete it, cause I know how you hate it when people curse or substitute on your comments.

  5. Yeah, I heard some others got some really innapropriate ones, but I have no idea what they said. I got some 'end of the world' junk. I dunno why they're doing this stuff. What'd the pm say(I'm sure it's not that bad)?

  6. How do you like my new personal photo?

  7. Gas? Probably something you ate. Sorry. MIB(MenInBlack(yes, the movie) has been sending random pms to everyone on the site! Even I got a few. That's the reason for the offline server. The topic is in Q +A, if you want to know more.

  8. Yo MasterM! Did you check out the Q and A forum? It explains what's been goin' on around the website.

  9. Welcome to BZPower. Hope you'll enjoy your stay. =)

  10. Fine! *pokes back* Hey, how about we both change our names when your 3-month period is up?

  11. Sure! Nobody's offered me one, so, I'd appreciate it.

  12. Yeah, I don't wanna say. So, how much longer do you have to wait til' your username is back to MasterMatoro?

  13. Just as bad as everyday goes. Something very embarrasing happened to me today when I was on my way to my locker.

  14. Yeah, I had conferences and several projects to do yesterday. Anyway, how'd your day go MasterM? (this time I'll answer)

  15. Sorry I didn't answer your comment yesterday. I was really busy...

  16. So how many things are on your list?

  17. Hey MasterM! How'd your day go?

  18. Yeah, I did. My favorite is First Date. Anthem is pretty cool too.

  19. Sorry. =( Maybe next time! But the contest isn't over yet, so we'll see how many votes you get! I didn't like LK's drawing, because it didn't look like bionicle. It looked more like manga.

  20. Is Lady-K the one who drew #2?

  21. ...well, did you check the new poll yet? Cause I did.

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