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Everything posted by SolarStratocaster

  1. Cartel is punk music, so they're pretty awesome. What's your favorite Blink182 song?

  2. I know. I wasn't talking about the final round.

  3. Sweet! We can see if you made the next round! Drum roll please! *bumbumbumbumbumbum*

  4. Well, like I said, even if you don't win, I'm still rooting for you all the way!

  5. Well, it looks great! I might join the next art contest they have. But most of my pics look MUCH better without coloring it. I bet you'll win!

  6. Hilarious! It's so funny how none of it makes sense.......wait, that doesn't make sense! It's the new funny!
  7. Remember, I'm rooting for you!

  8. Well, yeah, but it's just a small flaw. I had to look a second time to notice it. Overall, it's a great pic!

  9. Saw your pic, and I gotta say it looks awesome!

  10. Cool. Do you listen to bands like Blink182 and Cartel?

  11. They're pretty confusing, but that's what makes them fun!

  12. Hope everything is going well where you are!

  13. Options? Well, do you like:

    1. The Naruto fighters 2. The DBZ fighters 3. The Mortal Kombat fighters 4. Other

    I don't play any of the fighters I listed above, just to let you know. I usually play fighters, RPGs, multiplayers, racers, and adventures, how about you?

  14. Geez. So many different discussions going on at once in your comments section. How does it feel?

  15. I don't know how to dance, do you?

  16. Awesome! At my old school, we had basketball competition, cookie stacking, lollipop pulling, facepainting, or heading over to the pizza area.

  17. Well, what fighters do you like?

  18. What kind of games were there?

  19. sorry, my comment got cut short.

  20. I used to have a crush on a girl myself, but I got over it after the 6th grade. I'm friends with her now, but I'm not sure if she ever found out...anyway, the games I had at my old school had all these crud prizes like keychain erubix cubes, clappers, and eyepatches. My friends and I loved spending money on those prizes we threw in the trash can and spending money on soda. I had a blast at

  21. 1. THEN ASK OUT THAT GIRL! 2. Did they have any games or stuff there? Or was there just the dance? 3. JK about 1.

  22. C'mon. Ya gotta ask out some hot girl sooner or later. Oh well. You have fun there?

  23. Awesome. I don't get my first school dance of the year til' next quarter. So, did you ask out any girls?

  24. Anyway, did your day go well?

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