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Everything posted by SolarStratocaster

  1. Welcome to BZPower Cez. We hope you'll enjoy your stay. If you have any questions, there's the Q and A forum where you can get your answer. =)

  2. You thought I was mad at you? Sorry about that.

  3. Hey, you added me to your friends list? Thanks! I'll add you to mine then.

  4. Awesome. Hey, thanks for the rating!

  5. Wow! Your comics are hilarious! I love 'em!

  6. Happy Birthday Ketchupatoa! I tried making a birthday topic for you in CoT, but like all birthday topics in CoT, this one barely got a single reply. Sorry.

  7. Hey, what's up? Looks like we're both fans of square enix.

  8. Hello, and welcome to BZPower! We hope you'll enjoy your stay! If you have any questions, there are plenty of friendly members around glad to help, including me.

  9. Thought so. I've got the whole first series, and the Chain of Memories series.

  10. Cool personal photo. Lemme guess, you got it out of the KH comic books.

  11. Hello! Welcome to BZPower, I hope you enjoy your stay here. If you have any questions, there are plenty of members and moderators that can help you. If you want, you can come to me for help, and if I can't help you, I can find someone who can.

  12. Hope you're having a great time here at bzpower! =)

  13. Why does it take so long for you to reply to my pm?

  14. Yeah, parents don't want you to give out personal info online, because predators can track you down with that. I took a class today on online predators.

  15. ...ok. I'll wait. How long is the treaty?

  16. How do you defeat the other team? By commenting?

  17. What's this whole battle about?

  18. Scratch that, just leave me outta this thing.

  19. So KK. You're part of this war between GTT and EW too huh? I must say that sounds very...wierd. I think I'm gonna join GTT.

  20. Sweet personal photo. Where did you get it?

  21. Hi Greg! It's awesome how you're a member on BZP too!

  22. hey KK, thinking about changing your gender back? People are starting to think you're gay.

  23. Wow enzeetee! You're getting a lot of posts! In less than a week you'll have more than me!

  24. So THAT'S why KK changed his gender. I thought for a sec he was gay.

  25. Hey KK. What's up? *listening to Cartel*

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