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Status Updates posted by Phovos

  1. Hi. It's amazing how people who 'know' eachother stick together....

  2. HI. Just thought I'd say hi. I can't go into any profile without leaving my mark.


  3. Hi....

    So, what's happening on RH?

  4. Hi.

    Noone laughs at my posts... :(

  5. Hiya there, and welcome to BZP! Nice location of yours.

    As for attacking your girlfriend, no, that wasn't Hahli. That was Toa Macku. Although Hahli did taste VERY nice...

  6. Hiya there! I'm fine, thanks, you?

  7. Hiya, Gata. Thanks!


  8. Hiya, Nuju.

    Your interview has been posted.


    Da link.

  9. Hiya! If you need any help, feel free to PM me, or anyone with a fairly high post count!

    -Phovos the Raptor

  10. Hiya. Haven't spoken in a while, have we, KK:SE?

  11. Hiya.

    Sorry for being grumpy.

  12. Holy Bahrag I have been a member of BZP and the internet as a whole for 7 years.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      That's impressive.

    2. Valendale


      A little inaccurate now.

  13. I always thought Lehvak Kal had a squeaky voice.... I am in for a kicking...

  14. I am adding a comment to your profile...

  15. I am now your friend, if you like it or not. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

  16. I am the ultimate Raptor, after Bionicle Raptor, but I am the Pack Leader!

  17. I appear missing.

  18. I art adding thou to my List o' Friends, my Ally.

  19. I ate him already, Takhan/Xykena

  20. I can't!!!!! I have to wait three months! THREE BLOODY MONTHS!!!!!!!!

    I'm just gonna go and emo in the corner.

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