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Protax: Protodermis Master

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Status Updates posted by Protax: Protodermis Master

  1. Im not really a toa. Im a normal guy kinds like axonn

  2. I started making my own story! Legends of Panara-Nui! Check it out on my topics content

  3. Iranu? Whose side are you on?

  4. Like i said earlier, just look at my page thing for info on Protax

  5. Hey, whats PM and GS? I have no clue. And how do i write stuff in my topics content?

  6. If you wanna know about Protax,just look at my page thing i have information in the interests.

  7. I cant think of any old characters that you would bring back. And this is not because i dont know the storyline well!!!!! i know everything about bionicle!!

  8. Hey, um, that picture i said i would put on will be on here maybe by NEXT weekend k?

  9. Hello! Protax here! Can you include protax in your story? hes really cool.i could give you some info about him. i could maybe even upload a picture of him. I made him from my collection of pieces

  10. Whose side are you on? I know you are a shadow toa, but do shadow toa work for the Brotherhood of Makuta?

  11. Hey Iranu! i just found out how to change my display name!

    Old one:Omega5000

    New one: Protax Toa of Protodermis

    Ok? just telling you so you wont get confused

  12. I justed changed my display name and now its Protax Toa of Protodermis as you can see

  13. Hey golden flame! How do you make the your comics?

  14. How can you change your username?And how do you post? Sorry for all the questions but im still siguring this website out

  15. Hey greg. No offense, but the toa ignika set is kinda bad. The only new piece is the mask as far as i can see. I think the airboard think might be cool though, and the story isnt bad. Its just the toa ignika himself.

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