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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Velox

  1. Oh, for your display name history, why doesn't it have ToM Remix, and the others?

  2. He got banned because [his own words]: "The mods hate me. All I did was reveal some summer set previews and got in a small argument." Shame. . .

  3. so why don't you use PMs?

  4. Cool, thanks so much! I'll try to reply to yours today or tomorrow. :)

  5. the polls are up!

  6. Thanks! Though, I'm not sure if I deserved it more than you.

  7. No, I'm not expecting to either, but it wouldn't be bad =P What forum did you get them from?

  8. whyz? That Mask of Time one on Argy's site is awesome!

  9. yeah well, B6 has told me a few times...

  10. i'm not traitor! you can't do it, and neither can anyone else :P

  11. Hey! Happy Birthday JG!!!


  12. Ah, I see. It'll be interesting to read it when it comes out. Now, when writing an epic with someone else, do two [or in your case 3] people actually write it, or does one do the writing while the others give ideas and such?


    anyway, not much is going on here. Just enjoying summer vacation while it lasts and getting ready for vacation to San Francisco and Sacramento [both abo

  13. I don't know . . . as soon as I finish giving the prizes for the last contest, and figure out a theme for this one - hopefully in a week or two.

  14. Oh nothing . . . 'cept for the fact that I only have +2 instead of +3 now [PE] and I'm babysitting my friends three-year-old. And, my contest should start by the middle of October or so. :)

  15. Yeah, 'cause yesterday I was like 'how much proto does Erebus have, 'cause I see him help out a lot' and then I saw one of your posts today, and it was higher. =P What'd you get it for?

  16. *sigh* and they banned this one too...

    what's up?

  17. why aren't you at 5 stars yet? =[

  18. I'm sure they will! I mean, yours is awesome!!

  19. so why did they bann you?

  20. You haven't been on in a while. :(

  21. --ut 8 hrs. from my house]

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