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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Velox

  1. have you changed your banner and av, or is it just me? :P

  2. really? hah! that's cool, i'm flattered! although, i'm thinking of re-doing B-shelf and putting it under "Toa Velox"

  3. good..

    i just took them all :P

    well, i found some, there's not that many, but i'm sure you could find some..

    good luck!

  4. clear out thy inbox...

  5. he probably only has like 1 or 2 MOCs together at a time, or he buys ball joints off of bircklink like i do ;)

  6. *gasp* you're 100!

  7. a lot of people just add you as their friend.. i get that almost every day.. i just click *approve* and leave it at that ;)

  8. lol.. yeah, i bet :P

    anyway.. whats up?

  9. nice personal pic :P you know.. you kinda remind me of a younger person of kex.. :P

  10. happy late Valentine's day!

  11. *removes from friends list*

  12. whoa.. why am i wanted? what did i do?

  13. yeah... haha! :P

  14. thanks! i'm glad you like them :)

  15. i suppose.. but it would be better to PM me.. why don't you?

  16. Velox

    do you always win? :P

  17. Velox

    no prob! bTW.. wanna check out my new PBZPs? the "Y" one is the best...

  18. Velox

    hey! check out my new PBZP's! link in sig!

  19. Velox

    happy belated birthday!

  20. Velox

    uh huh... =P

  21. whoa.. that banner is mine.. you have to give credit :)

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