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Everything posted by Seranikai

  1. Did anything exciting happen today? Well, we managed to evade getting homework in Media, and Art was vaguely amusing. I was helping in one of the lower year classes again, and one little boy called me 'sir'. The highlight of my day. -Seran
  2. Seranikai

    Toa Of Time

    Oh, I've seen that before, I really liked it. The waist design isn't exactly the same as mine though. -Seran
  3. Seranikai

    Toa Of Time

    I've used that lower torso design for a few of my MOCs before, but I don't remember seeing it on any others. So yeah, a link would be nice. And although I'd love to help, I'm afraid I can't, KDT. At least, not at the moment. -Seran
  4. Seranikai

    Toa Of Time

    My new gold Vahi had to be used in a MOC, and what better MOC for it than a Toa of Time? You've got to love cliches. -Seran
  5. Seranikai

    Hey, Skittles!

    You're not possibly making a MOC of Schizo are you? -Seran
  6. Seranikai

    Box Of Magic

    I've got great plans for these peices. Gunmetal fairings + Makuta + Hewkii Inika = lots of gunmetal parts. And I've finally got my favourite mask - the black Miru! -Seran
  7. Just as a little test, I've changed my name. Now I shall be known as Seran, which is a lot easier to type than Seranikai. If it doesn't work I'll change it back, so I won't lose anything. Seran
  8. Is it just me, or have you had the burning desire to find out the real meaning of Lemons? To me they are a truly fascinating fruit. They are yellow, they have a soft fleshy innards and a hard outer, they have a sour taste but they get on so well with pancakes, they can be thrown at silly people and make a good sound when you say the word "lemon". It's pleasant to listen to and rolls off the tongue. Go on, Give it a try, say "lemon" a couple of times, it might brighten up your day. The definition of a lemon is: lem·on (lmn) n. A spiny, Asian evergreen tree (Citrus limon) widely cultivated for its yellow, egg-shaped fruit. The fruit of this tree, having a yellow aromatic rind and juicy, acid pulp. Lemon yellow. Informal. One that is unsatisfactory or defective: Their new car turned out to be a lemon. This interests me alot. The lemon is in no way like the tree it grows on, and frankly, it doesn't look too impressive. Yet a lemon is wonderful! How could such beauty come from something so ugly. I'm sure we will never know. Finally I would like to say that lemons cannot really be understood, they should remain a mystic beauty to the rest of the world. So there you go. Seranikai
  9. Seranikai

    Box Of Magic

    It was 248, from Bricklink. Nothing incredibly special. And BCii - I'm not doing a PBZP, though I might do in the future. Seranikai
  10. Seranikai

    Box Of Magic

    No, that was an estimate. Nice try though Seranikai
  11. Seranikai

    Box Of Magic

    Just as I predicted, my order of new Lego parts arrived today: A lemon for anyone who can guess the exact number of parts in the box And a muffin for anyone who can guess what kind of MOCs I'll be making with these (apart from you, Axzaa, you already know). Seranikai
  12. I was wondering when that would come up. Um...well, someone called me Sera once, which I don't mind. Seran is better though, IMO. I even used it for one of my self MOCs. So yeah. Nickname = Seran. Seranikai
  13. Seranikai

    So Sleepy

    Everything's going according to plan, Axzaa. Soon, the world will be ours! Er, I mean, I've built one MOC already, but the new tentacles will be useful. The only thing is, I like it so much, I don't know whether I should use it as a BBC entry Seranikai
  14. Seranikai

    So Sleepy

    I ordered loads of different pieces: tentacles, click joints, Technic fairing, masks, loads of stuff. I don't know that I'd be able to help you though, KDT, as much as I'd like to. At least, not at the moment. Seranikai
  15. Seranikai

    So Sleepy

    'Twas my sister's halloween party last night, so I had to put up with several hours of 'playing' with my nephews and nieces. Or rather, giving them piggybacks, and trying to hide from them. We got home so late, I'm soooo sleepy, hence the name of this entry. But I've still got about 500 million things to do - I go back to school/college tomorrow, and I haven't done my homework yet. Let that be a lesson to you, okies? On a side note, I ordered 240 new Lego parts from Bricklink, which should, in theory, arrive tomorrow. So expect some more really awesome MOCs from me in the near future. Seranikai
  16. Seranikai


    I've now racked up 1500 posts, so I wanted to celebrate in style. I couldn't manage that, so I made these two MOCs instead. What are they? Click on the link. Go on, treat yourself. But remember to come back here for the party. Yes, party. There's cake and muffins and stuff, probably. Hey, this is a rift in dimensions after all. Seranikai
  17. Seranikai

    Fan Fleet!

    Arr, I be wantin' to join, Cap'n. Me skills are at yer disposal, I could be makin' ye a fine army o' MOCs to patrol the Empire when the Scourge is at sea. Arr! Seranikai
  18. Oh, that's all right then. *takes skycar to the top* I was just wondering how funny it would be if the next BBC contest was to design something to help with disabled access - but then again, that would take away from the originality of this MOC. Still, you can never be sure what the Empress is planning... Seranikai
  19. 'What's happened to the Iron Blog' I hear you cry. Well, I don't really, but I had to get your attention somehow. But anyway, I thought the Iron Blog was a bit boring, and being the Paranoid Perfectionist I am (am I?) I chose something slightly more aesthetically pleasing than a load of metal. Although metal is still great. You can use it to build buildings and bridges and bicycles and lots of other things beginning with 'b' and all the other letters of the alphabet as well. So there. However, I thought this looked rather more exciting, and it's also proof that I finally managed to make some stuff with Paint Shop Pro. And Photoshop. And Photo Premium. And Paint, probably. Yes. So my Blog is now themed around the 'multi layered infinity of the universe in all its pan dimensional glory'. Doesn't that sound more exciting than 'metal' (my head hurts)? I've also tried making navigation a little easier, but be careful - this is a multidimensional rift after all, so try not to fall into another dimension and cease to exist entirely, ok? Seranikai
  20. It is quite nice, but I've got a really good idea that's a bit more unique. If it doesn't work I'll just change it back to the metal, so I won't lose either way. I'm glad you like this style though. Seranikai
  21. I thought I'd just let you know that I'll be updating and revamping my Blog soon, because the whole 'Metal' theme isn't really working very well. Expect it to be more exciting in the not too distant future. Seranikai
  22. You were nice enough to comment on my Blog, so I thought I should have a look at yours. And very pleasant it is too, apart from the whole mountain idea - I'm afraid I'll fall off at any moment. But anyway, I digress. I'm good at doing that. Ahem. I've 'reviewed' this very original MOC over in the topic, but that's not going to stop me talking about it here. It's very original, and I really like it - are you going to make walking sticks and little scooters as well? Or perhaps a safety rail around the edge of this mountain? *falls off* Seranikai
  23. Very nice, I like the cartoony sort of look, and the colours are very...colourful. Oh, and please forgive my ignorance, but who's the fifth fellow? I recognise you, of course, Schiz, Kex, and Shan, but the last evades my memory. Oh yes, I love Shan's pose - he's like "oh dear, Kex is at it again". Seranikai
  24. Seranikai


    Isn't that the most original title ever? Anyway, it's now half term over here, so I've finally got a bit more time. Although I've got loads to do - epics to read, MOCs to make, and that's just for Toa Axzaa (see, I haven't forgotten ) And, um, then there's schoolwork too. And life in general. But that's not too exciting. Oh dear, I'm rambling again. I'd love to leave you with a wonderful quote or something but I can't think of one. Oh well. Seranikai
  25. Seranikai


    Sooooo busy this week, I've got hundreds of things to do. Which leads me onto something that probably should've been said in the last entry: Time is one of the most valuble things ever. Don't waste it. Seranikai
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