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Everything posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. I hate Murakumo, although that's not a series.
  2. You already made me lose the game 5 minutes ago on that other site that you troll me on.

  3. And who said that being wrong makes you stupid?
  4. So that's why people refused to give me money... Oh well. I can still tell you you owe me money.
  5. I have copyrighted the copyrighting of copyrights. And sonu can't copyright that, I did 5 years ago! .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................YA RLY. Well, I copyrighted three dots. You, on the other hand, copyrighted 2653, not counting the YA RLY and the last dot. Also, since you said "I have copyrighted" as opposed to "I copyrighted," you just copyrighted the copyrighting of copyrights as you posted that, whereas Burnmad copyrighted copyrights at least a week ago.
  6. You're going to be reeeeeeally poor by the time you get out of school.
  7. I still hate the pink ones more.
  8. I KNEW IT also congrats to everyone else.
  9. I have to agree with Brenmac. Except I actually think my buzzsaw fails XD And yay most customness. Where is MT, anyway? Trying not to go insane from school?
  10. No, that you should have made them both the same arrangement. Having them different like that makes it look like you spent more time taking pictures than building the MOC, and didn't care about said MOC too much at that. Actually, I'm confused as to why you even have the blue pins there at all. The regular 2-length friction pins would have worked better, and they literally come with just about every set. Also, on the topic of the buzzsaw, just because it hasn't been shown in the story yet doesn't mean Ihr doesn't have it. For all you know, he could have left it at home or something. This isn't a comic; you can't say that the buzzsaw hasn't been shown in the story when there aren't visuals or amazingly detailed descriptions. Besides, wasn't that one of the criteria of the contest; that the MOC have a huge buzzsaw? Granted, I didn't do a great job at that, but at least mine was a good size. You said yourself that yours is tiny. As a side note... I don't see an epic chainsaw on your MOC. Or a custom titan torso.
  11. Well, I was actually talking about the fail you did on the arrangement of these pins: The problem isn't that you used two colors of pins(which I completely understand, and which I also did too), but that you outright neglected to even make them look... good. It wouldn't have taken that long to switch the pins so they were the same on each leg.
  12. Well, even if it wasn't Hydraxon size, there's always the option of slapping a disclaimer on it that says "Not to scale" or something.
  13. Well, I did explain why I used a Metru head up there.
  14. I got lost during the first level of Echoes. Yeah... I'm not too good with Metroid. Or Zelda, considering I still haven't beaten the second level of Wind Waker yet.
  15. Well, most Toa are about the same size, yet the Mata are tiny compared to the Inika. Also, you probably could have at least made the pins on each leg symmetrical. Edit: Finally got around to taking apart my MOCs. I should have something by tonight. Edit 2: Done. Front Left Back Right I've been waiting years to use that claw, and I think it worked pretty well on this MOC. So yeah. It can open and close, too. The buzzsaw was kinda improvised, as was the head. I couldn't find a Skakdi head at the last second, so I had to use a Metru head. I guess it works, since it was supposed to be deformed, and a Metru head kinda looks like a gray, shriveled Piraka skull anyway. Legs are digitigrade for no reason besides that regular plantigrade legs are boring. Also, TENTACLES! And they have pretty good articulation, too. More pics available at request and stuff.
  16. ... Zatth.

    And Static I know you're gonna see this, so DON'T TELL HIM! He'll never let me live it down!

    ... Well, actually he never lets me live anything down, but still.

  17. Wonderful. The worst year of high school-just in time for Reach! And the 3 APs I'm taking won't help any either.
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