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Everything posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. O_o What kind of face was THAT?

  2. Then I'll just stop saying it.

  3. Well, it hasn't happened yet...

  4. Well, it hasn't happened yet.

  5. *puts ODST in a safe*

  6. Oh, come on, now I'm getting paranoid.

  7. Just maybe. :P

    But I've got ODST, so I should be good.

  8. Sad face my parents won't let me use my own money
  9. I propose we ignore them and when they die point and laugh manaically?
  10. I've played Metroid before. It's okay; not something I really would play a lot, though.

    AvP I haven't played.

  11. I... am indifferent to this. As usual. Apathy FTW!
  12. "Assault!" "Bomb taken!" *Sonu Nova has the bomb* "Bomb armed!" *Sonu Nova has armed the bomb* BOOOOOOOOOOM "Bomb detonated!" *Your team has scored!* Heh, loopholes. (I've always wanted to use that emote in a somewhat relevant manner...)
  13. It's not like I'm gonna get us all blown up or something. Ooh, look, a bomb!
  14. Yay! I mean, uh, too bad. (Yay I'm temp leader)
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