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Everything posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. N7 Shadow Geth Infiltrator Vorcha Soldier Krogan Battlemaster Best day (ME3-wise) ever. Aside from the connection issues...
  2. ~Allegretto~


    Oh my goodness yes. Plus it's one of the only Gundams to date that has had a solid knife. You could always start off with an NG. Those are really cheap, so if you mess up you're not losing much. Plus, Gunpla don't really need glue or paint; paint makes it look better, especially with panel lining, but all the parts are snap-together, and any mistakes I've ever made making any of these has been fixed with a bit of time pulling the parts apart. As long as you make sure you're following the instructions correctly there's nothing to worry about.
  3. ~Allegretto~


    Not sure on shipping, though; they said it was a flat rate but for all I know it could be like $20. I just ask my parents. :shrug:
  5. ~Allegretto~


    I found a site that has Gunpla for really cheap- like, HGs are $15 instead of $25-ish like they normally are- but all the ones I want are sold out. Shame... Really wanted an MG Sinanju to go with my Unicorn, and a Kshatriya and Stark Jegan for that first battle... Also an MG Heavyarms, Wing Zero Custom, Deathscythe H, Ignition Exia, an RG Aile Strike and Skygrasper, and an HG GN Archer and Delta Plus, although the RGs and the GN Archer are in stock. I DON'T CARE THAT ALL THIS WOULD COST LIKE $500 IT'D BE SO WORTH IT
  6. According to my Gov class it's because it's cheaper to just have one mold for all the ATM keypads versus having one with Braille and one without
  8. Well, I don't really have any method of transport; I'd probably have to pay for it myself and that'd take most of my money.
  9. I live in New York; Buffalo specifically, so it's a bit far.
  10. Why do I live so far away from all the conventions I want to go to? ;_; Also I guess I should probably start using Skype more often...
  11. Should I be using Skype more often?

  12. So Fighting is Magic got leaked...So now no more Bite Sized Updates or really any more info for a while. Dang...Also Dash's stage music has been leaked along with it and I want to download it but I'd feel really guilty...
  13. Source: Official My Little Pony topic
  14. I've been trying to build one for literally the last 4 hours but whatever I try doesn't work, mostly because of the whole pistons-can't-move-extended-pistons rule. I can get it to close fine, but when I try opening it it doesn't work... Haven't been able to find much online either. Argh.
  15. Lesson Zero? Canterlot Wedding? Putting Your Hoof Down?
  16. Because with it this wouldn't have taken forever to build. I mean seriously all those trees...
  17. Got slimes; I just had to wait a bit longer, lol. Took me forever to figure out the door I was building, though... Most complex thing I've done with redstone is a 2-note doorbell, and even that was a pain. Plus, all the tutorials online are for 2x2 Jeb doors and not the 3x2 simple sliding one I was building, so I kinda had to figure that out on my own. Achievement Hunter has a thing for those, but theirs was powered by pressure plates, and I wanted levers on both sides, so I had to figure out just what I needed to do in the first place. It was a lot simpler than I thought it would be, once I figured out what xor gates and inverters are.
  18. AllLevelsAtOnce comes to mind.I wanna say Stormwolf too, but I'm not entirely sure...
  19. I hate it. So much. I finally found a chunk in my world that spawns slimes (thank you slime finders), but I've only found one tiny slime so far. Also I'm considering playing PC TF2... but I dunno. Also also college orientation next week aaaaaagh
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