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Everything posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't we just talking about this? You know, the whole Comic Con exclusive and everything? I know there's the belt too, but still...
  2. >MG Zaku II Crystal Version >Released October 1996 Well then how the heck did I get one of these? O_o My UC shelf is kinda getting full, too... I kinda want a Trans-Am Raiser just to go with the regular 00 Raiser and the Condenser Type that I have, but I also really want an MG Wing Zero Custom, Deathscythe, and Heavyarms... And Borderlands 2 and ACIII preorders... And I need a laptop... And I need to pay for all the stuff I borrowed money from my parents to buy, and then there's prom... Dangit I am going to be so broke by the end of this year. (Where the heck did my train of thought go?) (inb4 derailed) (ZATTH NO PUNS)
  3. *points to banner and sig*Ego is my favorite pony artist ever. Sorry Madmax, Rai, Wil, Inky, Atlur, Solar, and Dream, but none of you can draw the faces in Moonstuck as well as Ego can.And that animation was funny, but at the same time utterly terrifying. Thirded!
  4. ~Allegretto~


  5. So Zatth's friend dug up a huge cave, and I went to go help him mine stuff since he didn't spawn with anything. We asked Zatth to quickly just get some food and torches and bring it over to us, which should have taken just a day... BUT SOMEHOW MANAGED TO LAST AN ENTIRE WEEK OF PURE AGONY
  6. Online, from C418's site. (dunno if I'm actually allowed to say it) Well, there's also the sound of mining stone and exploding creepers!
  7. Now this will be the first time I've paid for music in at least a year...
  8. Moonstuck.Actually, a ton of the pony blogs. They update like every day and they're good.side effects include addiction and the ability to recognize pony artists by their art
  9. That moment when someone says they need cobblestone and you realized you used every block available to make a bridge across the map -- with Zatth, UK, Dragonfly, and 3 others.
  10. Meh. Don't really care about the exclusives too much. Now, if one of them was ODST, then...
  11. We kinda started a group for BZP members that have Minecraft 360 last night. Good times, aside from... ... Yeah. No. @ET: Do it... You know you want to...
  12. Oh God the puns -- with Zatth, Dragonfly, UK, and 4 others.
  13. ~Allegretto~


    Everyone else is out... But my school doesn't end until the middle of June...
  14. So I've had a project over the last 3 months that is due today and if I don't do it I'll fail. Naturally, I started last night. Finished at 4 AM. XD Didn't come out horrible, either... I just need to figure out sound editing and I'll have a nice flute cover of Pinkie's Brew. Also after today I'm not going to be doing anything in school for the rest of the year basically so Minecraft woo.
  15. I've never promoted, so I have everyone except my Soldier ready. XDhi uk
  16. Huh. Didn't even notice those. XD
  17. Probably not; BronyCon's the closest to me as far as I know, but it's still across the state.Actually, there's one in Toronto I think, but then there's passports and customs and stuff...
  18. Naga. That scene in the restaurant with Tahno was great.
  19. I half expected Audrey to get shot somehow when Banagher was catching her, just like Flay in Seed XD Also, I thought for a second Zinnerman died; when he got up I felt so relieved. Then he tried to talk to Marida and I thought he was going to die again.
  20. I just want Lyra (one that isn't a recolored Twi blindbag, thank you) and Octavia and I'll be happy.
  21. I've always dreamed of singing like Scootaloo... Never going to be that good, though... :/
  22. Minecraft 360. So fun, but the fact that it's only Beta 1.6.6 has made me very jealous of PC.
  23. Flute covers of brony music. Finished sheet music for Pinkie's Brew and Beyond Her Garden, and trying to do Beginning of Order now. I'm doing a project for school based off of this, so I should have stuff filmed by Thursday. I want to play this game, so bad. Although no EBB or NACP makes me sad... (although NACP has been lying low even since she came back and EBB's OC is kinda meh)d.notive, Jackle, and Stormwolf are good, though.
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