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Status Updates posted by Tradakk

  1. *pole falls over*

    Hello again.

  2. *pounces on bird pic*

  3. *Prompts Musik to read below comment*

  4. *psssst*

    Hey, Megatron says you fail.


    *runs away*

  5. *Rceonstructs tickle machine*



  6. *resists urge to eat owner*

  7. *Runs away form impending Jedi battle*

  8. *shamelessly steals DX's comment*

    LIEK OMG BYOMEK YUR SO AWSUM!!1! *bows down*

  9. *sighs*

    If I mussst.

  10. *slams head on desk*

    DANG IT!

    *passes out*


  11. *Slaps*

    Haha U cnat hit me 'cuz IMA GRL >=D!!1!

  12. *sobs* I used to know these people! Why, evilly cute plastic toys, WHY?!

  13. *stares into space for a second*

    I... don't know!...

    *runs off to check pulse*

    *breathing heavily*

    He's alive... barely.

  14. *Taps on profile*

    Are you there?

    *waits patiently*

  15. *Throws COoB's comments out a window*

    Welcome to BZP!

  16. *thumbs up Fighty*


  17. *TtW puts on his Olmak and opens a portal in front of the weapon, thus sending the blast into Zivon* teehee.

  18. *Urges Sernakann to update his sig*

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