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Phauxx Lightning

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Posts posted by Phauxx Lightning

  1. IC: Vuhltak squinted, thinking fast. A silver and red blur was headed for him, fast. There was little option, whether it be a sword of a fist. The plasma Skakdi heaved his dagger yet, trained eye but weakened focused solely on the shape closing on him. Blade met blade in a powerful clash, the metal swords sparking as they hit loudly. Yet that was not all. Vuhltak watched, his weak eyes worse then he thought, as Kamaehu's fire-lit blade burned straight through his dagger. His red eyes darted to his hand, panicked. The blade of his weapon was barely the size of his handle at this point, the rest a melted slab, which continued to hit the ground in a splat of mud. Vuhltak growled. Blade or not, I'm not done yet. The enraged Skakdi swung his broken blade in retaliation, aiming low for the Toa's legs.

  2. IC: Kamaehu made no noise, and only wiped the mud off his mask. As he stood up, he held his sword in a defensive stance, it's blade currently in front of his leg. He smiled grimly again and challenged Vutlhak, saying "Then come, skakdi. Come to your doom."

    IC: Vuhltak's beady eyes narrowed into slits, as a crimson aura surrounded them. He shot forth a third blast of laser vision, twin beam's searing through the wet air, ready to hit the Toa.The blast rooted out a slow-growing pain, however, in the Skakdi's eyes. He winced as his eyes seemed bleed out of their sockets, he seemingly ready to cry painful tears of his own blood. The over-usage was taking it's toll. No! The Skakdi thought, mashing his disfigured teeth together. I will not fall to this Toa! I will win! I must win! On mostly rage and determination alone, Vuhltak readied his blade.
  3. IC: The sight of Kamaehu's fall didn't pass by Vuhltak. Looks like I'm not the only with leg problems. The Skakdi thought, a wolfish steadily showing on his smug face. He made no moves, letting the pause in the battle begin to clear his vision. The Toa, still knelt there, blade held high, was a sorry sight for the Skakdi. What, I haven't even hit him yet and he's winded?"Oh, look, the high and mighty Toa needs a break." Vuhltak snarled, glaring down his opponent. He flung his good leg in the ground, giving it a kick. A spray of mud and marsh went every which way, sure to hit the Toa. "Come on, fight me!!"

  4. IC: The Ice Toa looked over his armor. It gleamed as the polished surface, the morning sun casting down a shining aura, illuminating the white metal with a sparkle. Erku ran a hand over it, gently stroking it. It was pristine. Phauxx looked on as his comrades inspected their repaired armor with glee, he himself feinting interest.Do I really need this? What is this all for, new weapons, armor. They don't last. This certainly won't. He thought to himself, giving the Skakdi smiles every time they glanced his way. I don't need this. Others do. Is this, right? "Thank you, Natan. This is truly a fantastic job." OOC: Sorry for the wait man. Anyway, I don't care where we go. You can lead. ;)

  5. IC: His head throbbed, the ever growing grip of pain ready to drag Vuhltak down into unconsciousness. The after effect of his continued laser vision was beginning to show, his world spinning ever so slightly as lines began to dull and smear. His blackened leg was going numb. But he was not finished. Oh no, I'm not done until I have this Toa's head! A flash of silver got his attention back on the fight. With little choice, the Skakdi of plasma swung his blade around, his powerful arm flinging his crude weapon across his chest. Blade met blade in a clash of metal and sparks, Vuhltak's blow swatting Kamaehu's out of the way.

  6. IC: Vuhltak, flinging his left side over his right, rolled out of the way of the blow, spitting mud in every which way. As he began to rise again, he placed his burnt leg in the ground, and another sugre of pain racketed his body. Vuhltak groaned, clutching at his leg as he winced in pain. As Kamaehu closed in yet again, he shot another blast of laser vision towards the Toa, this longer and hotter then before.

  7. OOC: Gah, sorry. My bad. >< IC: Vuhltak, eyes wide, arching his back, tried desperately to avoid the blow, arms flailing frantically at their sides as his momentum propelled him from Kamaehu's blade. Too out of control as he scampered on his heels, The Skakdi fell, hitting his back end on the ground with a loud thump, teeth smashing together. His spine went numb on impact. His opponent closing in, Vuhltak had to think fast. Letting out a surge of power, Vuhltak shot another burst of pure Laser Vision at the Toa.

  8. Eh, at this point I don't care so much that's it's gone. I'm still an avid fan, still MOCing, still drawing, still writing/reading, and still taking them out and reacting things from the books. :) It may be gone, I accept that. I just won't forget it.

  9. IC: The cold steel descending upon him like a eager serpent, Vuhltak knew he had little time. He thrust his right arm across his chest, watching Kamaehu's blade all the way. With ear screeching sound of blade on blade, the two swords locked mere inches away from the Skakdi's less from pleasant face. Vuhltak let out a brief puff of an exhale, releasing the unknowingly held breath. The Toa's blade rammed against his, the Skakdi thrust forward his leg at Kamaehu, his flailed kick aimed to sweep the Toa's leg right our from under the marsh covered surface.

  10. IC: Vuhltak dove, dodge, jumped, rolled, doing anything to get out of the way of the fire blasts. He was on pure animalistic drive now, not thinking, simply doing. Adrenaline pumped through, spiking him as he got ready for the next attack...And then, in one searing explosion of pain, it all came to a crashing halt. A fire bolt hit his left leg, enveloping it to over the knee. The Skakdi winced with pain his his leg burned, smoldering and eating away at the bright-colored armor. NO. Do not let yourself get beat like this! He thought to himself, biting through the pain. You're better then this guy. Don't let him think he can take you! Dagger in hand, he lunged at the Toa, swiping at his neck.

  11. IC: The three Toa stayed where they were as the Skakdi talked with the inn keeper. Erku, in hushed tones, was the first to speak. "They seem quite nice. What are your thought's on them?" He whispered, well out of the range of hearing of both. Phauxx shrugged, eyes still on the Skakdi with a look of interest and wonder. He shrugged, his chin dropping as his mouth moved into an unsure frown. "Well," The hesitant Toa of Lightning dragged out, seemingly forming his words on the spot. "They're better then most Skakdi." "They're perfectly fine on their own. Erku, there is much more important things we could be doing right now." Levinouk almost hissed as his head flew up, fitting Erku with a cold, steely gazing, his brow dropping. "We stay. We help them. We don't abandon them. And I don't like you're tone, Toa Levinouk." A silent Erku replied through gritted teeth. Fire was in his eyes, his stare a brutally effective counter attack to Levinouk's steamy behavior. "Erku we have a duty, this is a matter of virtue," "It is, yet of unity, something we all could use a little more sense of." Erku cut Levinouk off like a steel axe to a tree. "Now, shut up, they're done with the inn keeper."

  12. Nope, I was planning on using it for an upcoming Skakdi of mine. Edit: And that would make it melee only. Edit2: I guess you guys are wrong. From Friar.

    You mean a weapon that allows a Skakdi to channel their elemental energy and circumvent the two-skakdi rule?

  13. IC: Erku turned to look at his comrades, who in turn were already looking over there armor. Bits and pieces where chipped, some scarring, and the lower leg armor was definitely worse for ware with all their travels. Turning back to Matan and Natan, he replied with a small bow. "We would be honored. Thank you." "Less and less people show kindness to one another these days." Phauxx's young, soft voice echoed out through the inn, his newfound voice a head-turner for most. "Thank you."

  14. IC: Setting his cloth down on the cold wood floor, Levinouk picked up his canteen, repeating the gesture in turn. They really mean well. I do hope we can get to some more... productive work, however. The solemn Air Toa thought, resuming his work. "In my opinion," Erku began, leaving the window to face their company better. "This place and Ga-Koro are the most pleasant of villages. We'll have to show you the rest of the island sometime, perhaps even Ko-Wahi. Hey, if you don't mind you're feet getting frozen with every step you take, you're bound to like it." Erku admitted, emitting a soft chuckle at his statement.

  15. IC: Vuhltak growled, a low monotonic noise like a predatory animal. "You think you've got everybody figured out, don't you, Toa?" The Skakdi spat out at him. " Not everyone's got it made like you perfect Toa, for your information. Not put that axe away, or I'm going to enjoy this."

  16. IC: The Toa of Ice gazed out the smeared glass window into the outside world. The sun appeared to almost rest atop the tall tree line, it's golden stagnant rays casting a plethora of oddly shaped shades through the multitude of leaves. "It's almost evening." He nearly whispered, more to himself then anyone else. Levionouk, silent as ever, cleaned his sword with a damp, rugged rag. His hand stroked calmly let timely across the silver surface. Phauxx had taken up a chair in the corner of the inn, It's cold wooden frame considerably comfortable. Hands clasped together, he sat there, simply waiting for others to speak. Erku turned to their newfound friends. "It's almost evening. Have any plans?"

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