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Phauxx Lightning

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Posts posted by Phauxx Lightning

  1. OOC: Yovtann from Ga-WahiIC:The stale air was stagnant, calm, and relaxed. The sunlight radiated through the entangling tree line, the chirping of far off birds and distant rahi a subtlety in the background. Yovtann traveled briskly through the jungle, the soft ground floor giving way under each heavy footstep. His breath came in steady, controlled breathes at a soothed pace.Kini-Nui. He honestly expects me to find this guy at Kini-Nui? Yovtann though to himself, batting a branch in his path for the umpteenth time. It's the most foolish spot to just hide out at, not to mention how hard it is to find the place itself!!Yovtann continued his jouney, a headfirst and blind plunge into the heart of darkness.

  2. IC:Yovtann strolled farther and farther from the docks, mind elsewhere entirely. I have to track a killer Toa in Kini-Nui. Sounds simple enough. The Skakdi of Flame thought, repeating the orders given to him to the letter. The breathed out an eased sigh, the stress of the past conflict done and finished.He honestly had no idea what the 'army' truly consisted of, and Kuyre wasn't in the mood to explain. Yet right now it couldn't matter less. I don't need an army to find one guy. Give me my men when the real action comes. Give me my lead when we go head to head with Makuta's demons of darkness. Keinju and Kuyre will be fair rulers, stern, careful and considerate for the lives of their men, no doubt. But we can't have three of those to be effective. I will crack the whip. I will order the charge into Karzahni. And when all else fails, I will push them to give their all and much more. Keinju and Kuyre can lead them to safe victory, I shall lead them to greatness.OOC: Yovtann to Kini-Nui

  3. Heh, I bet there isn't a member on here who hasn't doodled BIONICLE during school hours. :PThese are very nice. I like you're style, very refined and detailed. A couple comments on Onua though. His claw seems a little to, eh generic? I don't really know how to put it. They don't really seem to be in your style. Plus, doesn't Onua have a neck? :P

  4. Just throwing in my 2 cents. How long have all the staff been inactive for? Yeah, you don't really see FT, Emzee, or Nuju that much at all, really. Are you sure they were on long enough to hear talk/see the blog entry about this.I'm gonna go away now so don't kill me. [/fear]

  5. OOC: Jeez, I hope you are still in character TDC. Cool down, seriously.IC:Finally, Yovtann thought, with the useless banter of the egotistical motormouths ended. My orders have been given. He let out a sigh of relief, a long stale exhale. His shoulders unlocked as his muscles loosened. His brow eased from the lessened stress, and with that he sheathed his weapon.Grulen's voice made him tense up again. Blatantly interrupting him before he even got to Keinju. "Why are you still here? You obviously find us lacking as leaders, beings even. Do you honestly think you can get accepted in the army in anyway after this?"

  6. IC:This worthless prick needs to learn his manners. Why the karz is Kuyre letting this low-life in this army? Yovtann thought, appalled at the idea. He raised his sword, any part not blood-smeared shining in the mid-day sun. His kept up scowl seemed permanently etched in the creases of his face. The point of his blade met mere inches from Grulen's eye, the same eye Yovtann was being mocked for losing. When the Skakdi of flame spoke, his voice was dark, demanding, and fierce."I take this not as an injury, scum. I see it as my vision cleared up, focused. I no longer have a blind eye to turn to those around me. There is many reasons I was ranked above low-lives like you, but frankly I care little to keep up with this pointless babble. You ask to fight, only to see yourself as powerful. You insult, just for the purpose of fueling the humongous fire you lit under yourself. You are not as great as you think you are, and this conversation has ended. Quiet."

  7. IC:Yovtann growled, advancing on Grulen as his muscles tightened. Does he know who I am? Who is this Vortixx? The enraged Skakdi's blood boiled, his sight reddened. "You talk to me like I am some low-life? I know who you are, Vortixx. And I, with or without an eye, can see exactly who you are. Honestly, I couldn't care. I know I have only two superiors on this island," Yovtann spat out, the hint he gave Grulen obviously clear. "And you are far from one of them.""Now, stand aside. That is an order."

  8. IC:That's it, enough is enough. Yovtann thought, is blood red eyes narrowing to slits, his scowl drawing into a snarl. "ENOUGH!!" The booming voice of the Skakdi rang out, enough to silence those who kept asking to see Kuyre. "You will get your turn to talk to Kuyre, when he is ready! Now quiet! All of you!" His searing glare passed slowly from each intruder to the next, from Grulen to Senatos to Gaea, his jagged teeth showing with his deepened frown. The enraged Skakdi had barely noticed his sword was already drawn, out or pure instinctive reflex. He slowly turned back to Kuyre, keeping a keen eye of those after him.

  9. IC:Second in command. The wheels of Yovtann mind spun with Keinju's last breathe. So, this is my first superior. One of two that hinder my personal greatness. Oh, I won't fight either. If I simply let nature take it's course, there won't be any one to lead the army alive but me. Such powerful position make them greater targets. With all said and done, Yovtann, keeping his calm and cold demeanor, gave Keinju a respectful and true nod, almost a bow, and continued to walk over to Kuyre.Oh, I do respect them all right. They are my superiors. Do I want them to die, or fail? Or course not. Especially now. We are all equally grounded in a peculiar hierarchy. Maybe, when Kuyre's name succeeds Makuta's in power and greatness on this island, maybe if we are the dominate force, keeping order and peace, maybe then would I like to move up. Maybe. For now, they are my leaders, comrades, and brothers, and I must fight to the last breathe to help them as they need.Kuyre seemed just as capable, experienced, and as powerful as Keinju. Good. I would rather have two grizzled warriors that I can respect then any sleazy rich prick. Kuyre was tall, well muscular, with green armor and a Kadin, a well crafted bow with arrows, and a gruff look on his face. Yovtann walked up to him, nearly a whole head taller then the Toa with his hulking frame. "Kuyre. My name is Yovtann." With that, he repeated the same respectful nod he gave Keinju. "You have summoned me?"

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