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Tridumst Janupy

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Status Updates posted by Tridumst Janupy

  1. maybe its his brother that owns this account!

    thats why he is five !

  2. Might as well try it =P

  3. My comment list is deserted...whaaaa!

  4. My Name is Tridumst Janupy.

  5. Nahh...I don't feel like smiling now...

  6. Nice chattin' with ya. Mutated Hello Kitties?

  7. No offence, really, but are you colour blinded?

  8. No wait, you gots a Avhokii!

    Even I don't have that yet.

  9. no you are not!

    everybody is a master of everybody except the ones that say they are the master out loud and brag about it. Even I myself am a bragger of the clubs that i make so this is a lesson about who's the master.

    So, nobody will talk about this any more just change topic.

  10. Oh, no, no, no. You wouldn't want to steal my deep dark and eerie secrets, now would you?

  11. ohh hi there chirox.

  12. Oi, what happened to BZP Metru Story?

  13. Ok, maybe it's not a story. But an epic. Fine with that? It's all about the attack of the MiB.

  14. Oo, Confusion Strikes. Mistakes, ignore, ignore, Happy New Year's anyway!

  15. PM - Personal Message.

    To PM, make 10 posts, or more, then you can make a PM.

    Enjoy your stay here, we appreciate it. =)

  16. PM me if you need help in doing stuff on BZP!

  17. Remember me? Emotionless? So, how goes the Army? =P

  18. Rules. They keep order in the community. Like a room without clothes hanging around, toys scattered on the floor. Rules order up things. Obey it, and a prize may await you...

  19. School of Rock? I see. And...Elvis!?!?!

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