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Year 12

About Haotaus

  • Birthday 07/22/1991

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  • Location
    The Island of Intra Nui
  • Interests
    Bionicle, Star Wars, and Art I love to draw.

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  1. Here is my entry for the BBCC #71 Bio: General Jinzu is an undead construct created by Makuta Xeldrain to help command his armies of the undead. Entry Pic: Poses: 1 2 3 Gallery:
  2. So much brown! I would revamp one of my brown MOCs with all of those pieces if I could win...
  3. Congrats to the winners, and to those who entered. I hope LEGO notices our dedication to Bionicle and knows that there still are fans in this theme.
  4. Entry #1 Name: Daemun Entry Pic Gallery Link Bio: She is the leader of a crime syndicate within the Hero Factory Universe, and she was only caught by walking into the Makuhero tower and announcing who she was. Entry #2 Name: Relincur Entry Pic Gallery Link Bio: Relincur is a scougre from the Brotherhood of Makuta, he can wield fire, craves destruction, and loves to toy with the minds of his enemies. Relincur can speak, emit fire from his hands and mouth, and create an explosion of fire.
  5. Can't wait to see what arises in the new contest. >w

  6. One question I have a MOC that I have never taken pictures and posted but it is already made, so can I enter a pre-existing MOC? This may be already in the guide-lines but I feel better asking.
  7. Ninjago (I'm really liking the story and sets) and Galaxt Squad (Mainly sets but man those bugs are just so smexy. )
  8. I voted for myself here because I always do and I do like my entry. However I thought that I would be able to pass the first round but it doens't look that way. Oh well I can say that I tried.
  9. Thanks I like the way it looks and I wasn't planning in the trans-orange but since I decided to use a Hero Factory chest piece I only had the trans colored Hero cores (Never got my hands on the silver one.). So I tried to spread out as many trans-orange pieces as I could and the heads seemed like they could work. Thanks for the luck but I'm sure that Sparky's entry may trump mine. Yeah I was having trouble with the tail design I even had two designs at one time. And thanks. Thanks and yes! Someone spotted it! Skarmory was part of my inspiration. And yes it suppossed to be a Bird of Prey but not the flying species more like the prehistoric Terror Bird or the Phorusrhacidae also like today's Greater Roadrunner so the reason I did small wings is becasue I couldn't think of how to do large wings so I decided to so a flightless bird. Besides if I did do wings proporsional to this body it would be the size of a Hawk. Edit: Wording.
  10. I like my Jhintro Bird

  11. Here is my entry I entered because I promised myself that I would enter the next contest. Just in case here is my entry picAnd here is my Gallery link (When Public) Now some pics, Head Bird 'Call' Prey Spotted Charge I hope you guys like this MOC as much as I do.As always comments and critiques are appreciated.
  12. I have some questions: Okay so it is okay to do a flightless bird right?Is it okay if I give it a saddle I won't put on a rider but I want it to look like it is a mount of sorts. When would the MOC need to be sent in order to make it in on time for the BrickFair/thing? It is okay if it is a big metal looking bird right? Sorry for all of the questions but I suddenly have a busy week that I didn't hear about fully until recently.. And my bird I plan to make is in the style of a Roadrunner like this for example
  13. Well I was going to do eyes but they proved to difficult so I decided not to add them besides I didn't think he really needed any because He seems to have them already. Thanks my favorite part to make was his head, and on the eyes I didn't think he really needed any because you can see where the head is. And I agree on the legs but I was just in a hurry and out of ideas, and wanted him done. I may downsize him because that is what I like to do I like canister and titain sized MOCs not really huge MOCs like this. And the only reason he is so big is because his head was made first.
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