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Everything posted by Trevsky

  1. Trevsky

    Yay New Wallpaper

    Funny, I was just about to get a MW2 wallpaper. =p
  2. I had no idea you were Dudebot =O

    But seriously, who are you?

  3. Admit, my CoD stories are so much better. xP Leada wants manga. =( Also glad you didn't fall off the face of the Earth, like everyone else in real life and the Internet.
  4. Trevsky


    Did you ever update that comedy?
  5. Trevsky


    On BZP. You threw me off there. =/
  6. You stole my idea, shame on you. =O
  7. Why do you have to go to it? And I've gone to camp in heavy rain... these people need to man up... wait no they don't.
  8. Trevsky


    Today the lake brought some heavy winds, make the cleating tests and races difficult as it forced fast and swift cleating, quick, reflexes, and constant leaning to prevent capsizing. Regardless it brought plenty of exciting and frantic moments, and was one of the most fun sailing experiences I've had yet. We placed first and third in two of the races but our rudder broke off and we hit another boat and we capsized. Got a bit wet, but we got the boat upright and back to shore quickly. Awesome day. Leada's sailing log, 9-24-09
  9. Trevsky


    Just letting you guys know I still am alive and well, in case you forgot. The zombies can't kill me!
  10. Trevsky

    Now Is The Time!

    Dude I have four periods a day. o_o And my school has five floors, but is so big I get lost on the ground and basement floor regularly. And my old school was two, high school and middle school combined. =P And that guy reminds of a guy in my dorm...
  11. Trevsky

    Now Is The Time!

    How can you have ten periods in one day? o_o
  12. It works for me... Maybe its because I've been pinned to Express. =P
  13. 'tis true ^^. I love you. nuuuuuuuuuu ;_______; Just kidding. But I can't see enough detail from online pics and I don't really pay attention to that stuff in real life, even if we did meet at Brickfair or wherever. o_o
  14. Geez, Exo, you sound like a politician. Yes, that type of a politician.
  15. I refuse because you blogged about it. Wait...
  16. I sucked at Spanish II so I got bumped down to Spanish I and I swear to god it was like "What does Adios mean?" I'm like "Good bye... ._."
  17. Trevsky

    Today Sucked.

    Spink, I don't think you quite understand what social liberties these people where taking. =P
  18. Trevsky


    At what bases do you have to laugh at me? =P Also you finished FMA way to quickly. ._.
  19. So I woke up after sleeping in, thinking that everything at home was better, and feeling a little depressed about that. Then I downloaded the new iTunes software and it wound up clearing everything off my iPod, and now I have to wait until I get on my computer at home get my Library and apps and movies and contacts and everything back on it since I want the albums that I bought in the store on it. Then I went to the mall, and the drive was a boring two hours each way. And the guys in front of me were preforming certain social liberties that you couldn't do in a Fascist or Communist country without getting arrested or killed or both. And at the mall I spent $35 bucks on a sub, DVD, and a book, and the only thing that so far was worth it was the sub. Add that to finding out that the dean of a school I almost went has sexual harassment charges and today sucked. ._.
  20. Trevsky

    Bad Day

    All of these things are just computer related problems, not actual life situations, and aside from the computer problem, not that much of a big deal. So I can say my day was worse. Also, I have a theory that fantasy PC games like WoW are a disgrace to humanity. =P
  21. Trevsky

    Oh Nu...

    So... digest mass amounts of food coloring?
  22. Trevsky

    Oh Nu...

    Is red a pretty color?
  23. Trevsky

    Oh Nu...

    According to this song I was listening too, I might blow up. How do I solve this injustice? ._.
  24. Trevsky


    I had fun smashing my monitor on my jack*** co-worker's head. =P
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