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Status Updates posted by Trevsky

  1. woah! how many proto points did you just lose? Oo

  2. if you look closely you see it's not the original image go figure

  3. where did you find that? lol

  4. cool story bro

  5. awesome. my goal as a troll as been fufilled

  6. It bores me. If I can find some images that fit and interest me, I'll do it.

  7. okay. if you don't center your sig with my banner I will seriously kill you

  8. not liking the name change. ;/

    btw you have a fanboy. his name is Exo-Bat lol

  9. I just glanced at the pokemon rpg xP

  10. woah, you play rpgs? :0

  11. once again, I hate your av

  12. An Exo-Fat fanboy? xD

    Hey, welcome to BZP! Here's a pro tip, if somebody comments on your wall, reply on theirs not yours ;)

  13. Pro tip. Center your sig!

  14. I will be on tomorrow, and most of the next week

  15. thankee, enjoy it while you can, it can stay for long

  16. no, school don't start till the twelfth

    right now I'm at my moms, and mom doesn't allow video games... or tv, or much computer time... or fun

  17. Yep. Even after all this time, I am not the real leader :S

  18. Your laziness is going to kill FotT xP

  19. do people still play the resistance games?

  20. I must say, I hate the avive and personal pic

  21. I noticed you were looking for PSN IDs but I must question for what game =p

  22. What online games do you have?

  23. dun know you well, but feel free to add me on PSN, name is RickyBobbeh13

  24. Basically, as long as it has PG-13 on it, and isn't straight up R content, it can go on BZP. And if you do think it's a prob, don't post, report. I have some staffie friends who back this up

  25. Hence the PG13 rating... Derp

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