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Status Updates posted by Trevsky


  2. BTW The war's over


  4. But I'm an atheist. Now you have to prove to me that God exist AND that your name is original. HA!

    And you fail for not getting the joke. Which isn't really a knock knock joke.

  5. But I'm approved, yeah?

  6. But since everybody will have a Megan Fox it won't matter.


    Or maybe it will. Howzabout we run the plan so just you and me and have one? =D

  7. But they ain't gangsta... =P

  8. But they've been my girlfreinds for months. :o

  9. cod4 for 20 is a better deal xD

  10. Congratulations! You just won the Totally Random Dude Award! You prize is....Nothing!!

  11. Congratulations! You just won the Totally Random Dude Award! You prize is....Nothing!!

  12. Congratulations! You just won the Totally Random Dude Award! You prize is....Nothing!!

  13. Congratulations! You just won the Totally Random Dude Award! You prize is....Nothing!!

  14. Congratulations! You just won the Totally Random Dude Award! You prize is....Nothing!!

  15. Congratulations! You just won the Totally Random Dude Award! You prize is....Nothing!!

  16. Congratulations! You just won the Totally Random Dude Award! You prize is....Nothing!!

  17. Congratz dude. ^^

  18. cool story bro

  19. Cool. What's your favorite song by 'em? Mines "Bleed It Out."

  20. Corse! Do you know how much Jet Fuel cost these days?

  21. Could be worse.... well actually, no not really... =P

  22. Could ya get to Kingdom G please? =P

  23. Could you liek, get to Extinction please? =P

  24. Cuz of General,

  25. Dang, that sux. >>

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