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Taka Nuvia

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Taka Nuvia

  1. Taka Nuvia
    The reason for this entry? I'll get to it in a second. First I'd like to mention one or two other things, though.
    Like the question what a 'style' actually is. A way of dressing? Wearing only certain kind of accessory? Personal taste or trying to fit into a group?
    Maybe a bit of all of those things. Of course, what you wear or look like often influences the first impression people get of you. No wait, actually pretty much all the time.
    So what someone decides to wear should reflect what they're like or simply make the best impression possible? Not necessarily.
    People should wear what they like. That's my opinion, and yes, that means if they want to wear neon colours or absolutely unflattering things they are free to do so. I might not like it, but I'd never, ever walk up to someone and make fun of the way they dress or try to convince them to dress differently.
    Strangely enough, it has happened to me more than once, though.
    Constant remarks, people shouting "Emo!", "Witch!" or whatever word they can think of across the hallway at school, stupid or simply outrageous questions. ("Do you have drugs? Because, you're a metalhead, aren't you?") *Ahem*
    And that eternal question "Why don't you wear more colour?!"
    Because of course I wear colour too! But not everyday. Only when I feel like it. And frankly, most of the time I feel like wearing all black. And skulls. So what?
    And then there are day like today when I absolutely want to wear my orange floor-length skirt from an indian store and generally lean towards a more hippie-esque style.
    Isn't that wonderful? =D
    Everyone can dress the way they want and I want to be able to do so, too!
  2. Taka Nuvia
    I might be a bit early with this, but you know, with time zones you can never quite tell. Either way, whoever reads this, I hope you have a good day, and happy holidays to you!

  3. Taka Nuvia
    The current state of things makes it really hard to tell interesting stories because let's face it, most time is spent at home. :/
    Honestly the only positive thing is that I 'won' the time usually spent commuting, which does add up to 10h during the week, but that's about it. Doing everything in one place is hard, however. In fact, it's so hard that I had to improve my planning strategies and install two boards in my room where I track my tasks, both for home things and for university. At least moving colourful sticky notes around when I'm done with a task is an adequate motivation, or so it seems.
    Speaking of studying, the longer this goes on, the more I realize that I really don't like distance learning, and it's so much harder to motivate myself to do just about anything. Computer Science is cool though, so I'm trying my best. Currently I am 'sort of' teaching myself Java to write some code to fill a database with random content. Coming up with my own random generator for names was more fun than it probably should have been (because this way I spent more time on it than I presumably should have) - but hey, I'd rather spend some more time and not just end up with random strings like "asfklaer" for names.
    To bring this entry to a conclusion, I'm kinda coping, but not really enjoying it. My hopes for 2021 are non-existent, but at least I can't be disappointed that way. Or maybe I can. We will see.
  4. Taka Nuvia
    I do wonder if anyone still reads this, tbh ^^'
    But for anyone who does, life is slowly returning back to normal, and I think that's a really good thing. Also, I'm about to finally finish my current sketchbook after 4 months, which is surprisingly fast for me - normally it takes at least half a year.
  5. Taka Nuvia
    Taka's inofficial art contest # 1 

    Yes, you heard me. I'm planning to host an art contest in here. A little one, but nonetheless. Everyone is welcomed to join.
    Theme: create a spooky/Halloween-themed piece of art. Should have to do with Bionicle in some way, but you can do the characters in any style you want
    Feel free to post your opinions here, and if you spot errors/things that need to be clarified, I'd ask you to tell me either via post here or pm (whatever your prefer).
    1. What is allowed
    ~ hand drawn art
    ~ computer-generated art
    ~ sprite-art
    2. What I can't tolerate
    ~ Using other peoples' work and claiming it as your own
    ~ Anything that violates the Bzpower Rules and Guidelines
    3. The Entry deadline
    ~ October the 1st
    4. Voting system
    ~ First round: you can vote for up to 3 entries.
    ~ depending on the number of entries, there will be either 1 or two final rounds.
    ~ if 2 entries get the same number of votes, there will be a seperate mini voting round for them.
    ~ You will vote by posting in the blog entry.
    5. The Prize(z)
    ~ 1. place: artwork request
    ~ 2. place: GS appearance in "The End of All hope"
    ~ 3. place: a blogspot
    6. How do we enter?
    ~ You enter by filling the following form:
    Member name:
    Thumbnail (if you have one):
    Important: Other than in the official art contest, you may put the name of your entry in the url, so instead of


    [url="http://brickshelf.com/blah/myentry.bmp"]Name of your entry[/url]
  6. Taka Nuvia
    Guess what.
    Guess again.
    And even again.
    You're right.
    '08 TAKANUVA has been delivered TODAY!
    He's already built, and now stand on my desk next to me
    Yaaay! =D
  7. Taka Nuvia
    Huh, that's good to know! (actually, I am delighted, but trying to play it cool. Working? I doubt it.)
    What have I been up to in the meantime? Mostly on holidays, and preparing for the new semster, as I decided to go back to uni - this time studying informatics. After all, I did pass the entrance exam, and may actually be able to skip some basic math lectures. That would be great.
    Oh yes, and I am playing Pathfinder with a group of friends now, dunno if I already mentioned it before.
    So overall, things are looking up. How have you all been?
  8. Taka Nuvia
    Ah idk I don't want to always just post every single redesign of my char to GA, that feels kinda spammy. So I'll just leave the sketch here.
    Actually I was out for some urban sketching yesterday, but after finding out that BZPower is back up - let's say I was inspired, and that happens so rarely these days that I let myself get distracted
    About the sketch itself, it was as always done in ballpoint pen, because I actually like that better than the regular pencil these days. ^^' Doesn't smudge so much in the sketchbook, and I don't "have to" do lineart. Of course, all mistakes are also permanent. But that's something I can live with. ^^
    small addendum: I just kinda wish my 13-year-old self could see what my art looks like these days. I think she'd be pleased - even if the new design isn't edgy enough xD By far.
  9. Taka Nuvia

    slice of life
    and still have to get used to the new look but that's okay.
    (I have no idea what entry categories are for though. this will take some getting used to...)
  10. Taka Nuvia
    Was inspired by Akaku: Master of Flight (how everyone does this fancy tagging, I have no idea :/ ) to make a timeline of my character over the years. So I did that.
    [regular link, until I figure out how to link thumbnails ^^]
    I couldn't find anything for 2011, so either I really didn't draw her in that year or I lost the scanned files. Don't feel like digging through my myriad or sketchbooks though, so I'll leave it blank for now. I know that especially around 2008-2009 there are tons of different design ideas I tried out, but I picked the ones that stuck for this timeline.
    IMO you can only see that my style varied wildly after 2011 while still staying the same somehow? Idk I'm always underwhelmed by the "progress" visible in these timelines, but they're fun to put together
    (also what the karz this character is 11 years old. time flies~)
  11. Taka Nuvia
    Long story short, I was recently reminded of the Clockwork Night game over in G&T ages ago, and realized that the character I played there had the same name as my usual OC/BZP namesake, if you will. And was an Agori/Protector - and that I'd never drawn her, so hey, why not redesign my 13-year-old OC again. So that's what I did, gleefully ignoring that everyone was supposed to be from the Jungle region so I can stick to the old colour scheme, and here we are.

    Notable design changes:
    dropped the wings because that's just silly exchanged the very impractical staff/halberd/spear weapon thingie for a slightly less imprcatical one the mask, obviously (though some design elements are there to reflect the Avohkii, like the split design of the lower parts of the mask) I did keep the skull belt, patterns under the eyes, heterochromia and Mata feet because rule of cool.
    Honestly I might keep this iteration around for the next few years. It's something new, and I like it better than ye olde "Toa has been half corrupted by shadows but not really" concept.
  12. Taka Nuvia
    Remember that character WIP I posted way back? (yea, me neither. that's why I added the link). I finished her in the meantime, and just realized that I never got around to posting her here.^^'
  13. Taka Nuvia
    to what IMO is the funniest thing I've ever drawn :]

    ... can't get over the fact that this drawing is 11 years old at this point. Time flies D:

  14. Taka Nuvia
    For me it's week 3 of being 'confined' to the metaphorical four walls of my home, and I think I am slowly adjusting.
    But how's the rest of you been these days? I hope you're all safe and well.
  15. Taka Nuvia
    I realized I am skilled at many things, but none are needed in the current job market (I am not a programmer. I should be a programmer. People only seem to want programmers these days). Furthermore, at the same time I am overqualified for regular small jobs. This is not fun. :<
    So yeah the plan is now to study informatics (and learn programming :> ) and at the same time find something to financially support myself enough to get by somehow.
  16. Taka Nuvia
    .... idk how to properly summarize it, tbh. Made a larger decision that changed my life for the better, but it still took until Christmas for me to even halfway recover from what happened before. I just hope things won't excalate as much again, or rather, that next time I'll find the courage to quit a bad situation earlier on and not stay until it is almost way too much to bear.
    But there are positive things! I joined a Pathfinder campaign, and through that formed some really great friendships. My art has improved over the course of the year! I am generally feeling more... normal (?) again these days.
    For whatever reason, 2019 has been a hard year for many of us. Let's hope that 2020 will be better. *fingers crossed*
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