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Taka Nuvia

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Replies posted by Taka Nuvia

  1. *waves* back! =D

  2. 118 files in my avatar folder, and I dislike each and every one of them. :D

  3. 118 files in my avatar folder, and I dislike each and every one of them. :D

  4. *waves* back! =D

  5. New avatar. That's obviously what I learned drawing for.

  6. ohey and now I can legally drive. thats a thing

  7. Is this what it is like to have a life? Sorry I've been so busy D=

  8. *waves* back! =D

  9. Is this what it is like to have a life? Sorry I've been so busy D=

  10. Is this what it is like to have a life? Sorry I've been so busy D=

  11. Is this what it is like to have a life? Sorry I've been so busy D=

  12. Is this what it is like to have a life? Sorry I've been so busy D=

  13. New avatar. That's obviously what I learned drawing for.

  14. Is this what it is like to have a life? Sorry I've been so busy D=

  15. New avatar. That's obviously what I learned drawing for.

  16. sometimes I want to say something so badly even though I don't have anything to say... D:

  17. Will randomly reappear on monday, but won't update my status with "Did you miss me?", although it is tempting. ^^"

  18. Will randomly reappear on monday, but won't update my status with "Did you miss me?", although it is tempting. ^^"

  19. Girls go chopping~

  20. best name 12/10 would read again

  21. best name 12/10 would read again

  22. *is determined to be more active on here again*

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