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Everything posted by Dudebot5000

  1. I don't think this is the Cash Cab...
  2. But if you lose the blog, then where will I relieve my boredom?
  3. Sorry, Farmer John. I don't know how many fingers you're holding up.
  4. Ha ha, I really didn't think I'd win.
  5. Tell me about it. I got everything piling up as well...
  6. Why is my name Dudebot5000? Why haven't you answered this question yet?
  7. SITS is FTW. I agree about Toa Ignika. Toa Ignika is awesome.
  8. How much wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?
  9. Dudebot5000

    Crx = Rank 10

    Well, at least you're right behind him... Right?
  10. Hey, who turned off the color?
  11. "Why do I have the feeling that a color-blind person is looking at me...?"
  12. Dudebot5000

    Vote For...

    Sorry. Can't. But not because I think your MOC is bad. On the contrary, it's quite good. B) The problem is that there's 2 other good ones in that poll... I can't decide... Not your fault... And I can't vote for something just because I'm told to... Don't hurt me.
  13. I hear that November's pretty good, too.
  14. Dudebot5000

    Fun Bzp Fact

    I don't have a job yet...
  15. It is late April, isn't it? Or did I miss summer and start 9th grade already...?
  16. Dudebot5000


    Really? Who's first?
  17. Dudebot5000

    Reffing = Easy

    I might review it. Depending on it's awesomeness, that is.
  18. It's ok. You didn't know. ^_^

  19. Calm down - I just got back from camping not long ago. I'm getting to it.

  20. I don't know about that, but I can say this: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841 Yes, those are all accurite. B)
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