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Kail Lokeson

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Everything posted by Kail Lokeson

  1. Kail Lokeson

    We Will Dance

    How...sweet. I love songs like this. George Straight has a song that reminds me of this. I admit the guy's name sounds familiar but I don't really know who he is. What music genre is he?
  2. Kail Lokeson


    Honestly I think your new sig sums it up pretty well, That really seems to just say it all. Nuhrii's ideas are pretty cool, and it is great that he was able to effect the Bionicle world, but if the reason behind every word was known we would soon lose the feel of mysticism that permeates this great world like water through a sponge. A few things like this are awesome but I personally think we have enough for now.
  3. Would be better except my dog just died. I pretty upset but much better then I was two days ago.

  4. There is no such thing as old...mearly well or poorly lived and you are certainly the former. Besides, the older you get the better you get...unless you're a banana.
  5. No need to be a louse...I wouldn't nessisarily say that they are the most beautiful on earth but that is only because I have not seen every flower on earth and so I can't judge, but to say that they are ugly is...very poor taste to say the least. It is unkind to go out of your way to say something is ugly when someone else has gone out of their way to share that somthing that they think of as beautiful with everyone else. SO QUIT IT! Come now, it's his own opinion, KoE. Let him be, he hasn't said anything wrong in his statement. - Nikira Not saying that he can't, just saying it wasn't very nice.
  6. Gotta agree with you Nikira, the most beautiful things can often be the simplest ones (glances at my sleeping baby sister). Truly wonderful. Sort of just fills you up with joy doesn't it.
  7. Kail Lokeson


    I can't help but cry a little for your dog and you. Human kind knows no greater bond then the one they share with their dog. A dog loves unconditionally and never asks for anything other then a kind hand to rub behind it's ears once in a while. It truly is a sad loss to lose such a wonderful companion. My heart goes out to you.
  8. Kail Lokeson


    So I guess that would be very early right? For the record, I knew that, I just wanted to quote one of my mothers and my favorite movies.
  9. Kail Lokeson


    May? Now you are either very late or very early. What's your take on it?
  10. Kail Lokeson

    Ergh ><

    Odd, I'm sick too. It's just a light cold but it's annoying as heck. I wish you a speedy recovery, just make sure to have lots of rest and as already stated, Chiken soup (or just lots of liquid in general).
  11. Nice...useful...I personally don't write a review unless I fell that I can be of some use or if I feel that the peice of artwork in questions really deserves a great compliment. This is certainly something that I feel more people should read. Just one question. When are you going to get another piece of art up here?
  12. EXCELENT! You can hide from the assassins that were after you from your last blog entry! They'll never find you in China!
  13. I will aid you Takua the Wanderer! If we can find out who are trying to kill you, I can become a combo bodyguard/counter assassin! We can defeat these demons!
  14. Now when you say map, do you mean map of all the places we have heard about so far (Stelt, Xia, Destral, etc.) or a map of EVERY place, even those we haven't yet seen?
  15. HUZZAH!!! Puppies are the most wonderful thing in this world. There is something seriously wrong with anyone who dosn't like puppies. What breed are they?
  16. Kail Lokeson

    Animation Test

    True. I just want to know just to make sure we don't have a repeat of *shudder* Lewa's MoL voice. I loved Lewa's MoL voice! What do you have against MoL Lewa!?
  17. -Evolution- is a fan of Redwall ... I LOVE THAT SERIES!!! But anyways, I wonder if you could draw me in Toa form. I am a Toa of Ice that has the look of a wizard (robe, Merlin hat, Staff with blue crystal on the end) but at the same time I have a sort of goofy, no-worries, always happy sort of look to me. I wear an adaptable Akaku like Kopaka Phantoka and as stated before my Toa tool is a wizard staff with a blue crystal on the end. I would most likely be seen lying on my back, staring at the clouds or stars (depending on the time of day). And I also have a little fairy companion that always floats around me. I hope that's not too complex...
  18. Well personally I would try to make it look like an accident but that's just me... Seriously though, I love kittens! (If you ever meet someone who dosn't like kittens and puppies then there is something seriously wrong with that person). I don't know if I would be able to take 9, especially if one was less then nice, but I suppose that just makes you a better caretaker then me I hope that you are having fun with them.
  19. Kail Lokeson

    Animation Test

    It's for the 2009 movie though, who knows if they're gonna be in it? ... Unless it's been somehow confirmed they're in ti and I'm making myself look stupid. XD It hasn't and you're not. Anyways, fantastic news Greg! I always expected that this movie would be a bit better animated then the old ones. Don't know why, just a feeling... But DANG now I wan't to see what it looks like! I suppose I'll just have to wait.
  20. Nope. No one at all. I personally am fond of Kricka out of the Mistuka, though if we are including every Makuta then I would go with Mutran. MUST GET BL10!!!!!!!!!
  21. Yeah...really stinks Thankfully where I am the prices have only reached $3.70 or so (I actually saw $3.54 only a short while ago). Don't blame the oil companies (like so many people do), believe it or not they only make about 8 cents per gallon of profit and so there is nothing that they could really do. It still stinks though. Don't worry though, soon my invention should be complete and we will all be using mashed potatoes and orange juice as fuel.
  22. Where do you type in the code?
  23. Thanks! I was honesltly thinking of changing it to something from the Pink Panther movie but I'm not sure. I like the Princess Bride :)

  24. Kail Lokeson

    Set News

    Odds are Mazeka is black but I really REALLY hope he is purple. There are not nearly enough purple sets out there.
  25. DO NOT MAKE REFERENCES LIKE THAT ABOUT SOMETHING AS CONTRAVERSIAL AND POLITICAL AS WHAT YOU JUST REFERENCED! This is not a site for things like that, no matter how strongly you feel.
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