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About KevinRevolution

  • Birthday 08/15/1995

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    Karda Nui

KevinRevolution's Achievements


Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t34.0-12/10726499_10204016539808228_1779433347_n.jpg?oh=b88bd08535731c246686ababd3690297&oe=54389C55&__gda__=1413067512_1d9447acb1baf47d94630853bc188266 Edit: beat to it already? You guys are fast.
  2. Greg is still active, but on the official Lego site only?
  3. I don't know if I posted this before but, I have one question. What is Takanuva's destiny and did he fulfil it already?
  4. So I've been wondering for a long time what Takanuva's Destiny actually is. Greg said he hasn't fulfilled it yet. If he can't answer that, I'd like some kind of hint.
  5. Not officially. Greg does not seem to have time to continue writing stories at this time. We don't know for how long that will continue to be the case. However, it's most likely not going to continue (in official story form; obviously Greg has still been revealing new things about it ).Alright, thanks for the reply. It's kind of depressing somehow. I was partly fine with the sets not being continued, because I was relieved that the story would. And off course, there's always the fanbase to "continue" it, but I'm not really part of the community anymore and I never cared about fanfics in the first place so yeah...I really hope Greg at least decides to finish the current serials and answer some of the most important questions in them, and just reveal further smaller details through mails or something.
  6. The 'face' part of the Kraahkan looks like a black version of the Mask of Light (what's its name again? *blush*), so I think it is to contrast Takanuva and Teridax. Kraahkan is the mask of shadows right?
  7. I still have one. And I still have a pair of the Nike Sneakers. U mad collectorfags? No I won't sell them, unless you ask me a few hundrerd euros for it or some ######, because they're nostalgic items.
  8. Sign me in. I'll.. Come up with something. I tried a few weeks ago, but GOD making a good chest is really hard. One question... There are four categories: Canister, Titan, Extra Large, drawings. Are those four seperate, like if I make the best canister seized Mata Nui, then someone else makes the best XL Mata Nui and then we both win..? Or is it just MOCs and Drawings seperate? Edit: Where can I see/post the entries?
  9. I'm helping boost your rating. I jsut rated you five. =)

  10. KevinRevolution

    A Death

    You guys don't all sound too respectfull... Rest in peace, teacher of Zeddy's school...
  11. Not really exicted about the graphics, but they are okay for a webgame And I want to learn more about the gameplay. Anyway, I'm surely going to try it out.
  12. This sounds pretty awesome Greg When will the fist chapter be up? EDIT: Darn, sorry Bink, didn't read your post
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