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Status Updates posted by E(rik)

  1. Did you get my message about lifetime premier membership?

  2. Yeah, the zoo. Those Jackrabbits and Mr. Python never believed I could escape my pen with some vines and some shards of a broken food bowl. >:D

  3. I spelt "almost" wrong in my last entry. sorry.

  4. when will I get my pbzp?

  5. Welcome backth.

  6. I'd eat you If you dont listen to them.

  7. woopers are a gazillion times better than deoxys


  9. Did ya hear any avenged sevenfold songs yet?

  10. Nonono, Nayru is under my bed, who is under E's bed. It is confusing.

    @Big tuna: Well, I cant just go out and buy a bed, or else they'll put me back in the zoo or worse, in the play pen. *Shudders*

  11. Yeah. He's awesome.

  12. Hey, remember me? I'm that dude you killed in chapter 12 of the BZ-metru story. So I'm here to haunt you now. So if you hear Ear-spliting screams when you try to sleep, it isn't just you gonig insane.

    Alsp where is avenged sevenfold on your list of bands?

  13. iM iN uR pAgE eAtIn Ur DaTaS.

  14. my steam was being all weird and wouldn't let me get on. We un-installed steam and all my games, but now we cant re-install it. It says its downloading an update, but nothing every happens.

  15. your epic is epic.

  16. Yeah. Did you see a bag of leaves that seemed to be moving? That was me!

  17. I'm the first person here in over 400 days.

  18. *nominates personal photo as most epic thing in existence, other than wooper*

  19. Where've you been? I miss your mocs!

  20. Funny. As I read that I just finished Seige Engine.

    See ya there!

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