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Status Updates posted by Blaver

  1. But southern California gets no snow :


  2. Winter break is almost over DX

  3. Hey :D!

    How's it going?

  4. Well, learn something new every day :)!

  5. It's 3:30 over here :P


    my comment box is acting up on me T^T

  6. I'm making a MOC for like....no reason?

  7. Actually, we still have five minutes :P!

    But happy new year to you other time zoner :D

  8. Do you like the titan sets though?

  9. Oh yeah, I'm planning to get those too :D!

  10. Haha....

    Which do you like best :P?

  11. Oh and thornax are so fun :D!

    You can replace it with Zamorzors though

  12. he has an Iron Man head O_o

    I mean...


  13. Oh, you know, one of them 2009 setzorz

  14. How about you :D?

  15. I HAS TARIX :D

    also some clothing

  16. Also merry early Christmas to you too :D

  17. That's cool :D

    ....It is, right?




  19. Nothing really, just Christmas shopping and stuff >_>

    I'm hoping I'll get something good this year :3

  20. Winter break.

    It's perdy boring >_>

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