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Binary Code

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Status Updates posted by Binary Code

  1. How the heck do you update this thing?

    1. Ldd2000


      you just did lol

  2. Hey! Whats up? How goes the comics?

  3. Did you see the Colts playoff game? That's why.

  4. Forgive me, I'm rather slow.

  5. Hey thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it.

  6. Cool. Do you have a pic of it?

  7. Dude, you joined only shortly after me. Look at my post count!

  8. You doin' anything?

  9. Welcome to BZP!

  10. Dude, glad you liked it. nothing like some good ol' satire

  11. And you think my username is funny?

  12. Yikes! You're going on a posting spree!

  13. Yeah, I should be too, but I procrastinate...

  14. Oh, I see. Well, Go Colts!

  15. I'm just fine. And you?

  16. @MICK: yeah, nutin' exciting

    @Von Doom:Oh man! That stinks!

  17. Yeah, and I have a friend at school who is a Chargers fan!

  18. Yeah, The scream is cool.

    Are your comics back up?

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