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Status Updates posted by Jaicho

  1. lol almost shut my window down in curiousity of where you live. XD Nice trick.

  2. Lol, I guess I won. xD

  3. Lol, nice comeback. =P

    But why should I be if I'm half-way across the world? xD

  4. Member #2! =O Wow, that must be cool being #2. Do you know who #1 is?

  5. My birthday's a day before yours! =O

  6. Name change: Jaicho!!! =D

  7. Nice to see your back, but...EMPTY YOUR PM BOX ZEV! xO Anyway, I'd like to join your BZP Battles team

    Member request form:

    Team: Blitzkrieg Boyz

    Name: Jaicho


  8. Oh, and btw, if have any questions, you know where to ask.

  9. Oh...um...sorry. I probably shouldn't have left that last comment, but according to -Blackout-'s first post in the topic you need to contact him and tell him to add my name on your team list; 'til then I can't participate. =/

  10. OMG 100 posts! 8O

  11. OMG!!! Where'd you get that epic avatar?!? =O

  12. Oops; meant the Conquistadores... anyway, can I join? I'll give the request form again, cos I don't think you've contacted -Blackout- to say I wanted to join...(he updated the post just two days ago, I think)

    Member request form:

    Team: Conquistadores

    Name: Jaicho

  13. REALLY sorry. Didn't get to vote for you because by the time you commented it was about 3 AM yesterday where I live, and I didn't notice it until just a few minutes ago. :( Sorry your friend didn't get to the finals...

  14. Sokka! That's how you spell it right? Anyway, that has got to be one of the funniest things in Avatar, with the vegetarian promises and all.

  15. Sorry I'm late, but Merry Christmas! =D

  16. sqUIRreLs wILL RulE ThE WOrlD!!! btw, awsome PP.

  17. TBH!! Check your PMs!

  18. Thanks! Though ~GBG~ already welcomed me. :P

  19. Thanks! =D Yeah, I'm entering S&T#5. I'm planning to MoC of Toa from each year. So far I'm putting the finishing touches with my 2004 revamp.

  20. Um...aren't we allowed to have, at most, five lines of text and an image in our signatures? I'm sure I've read that somewhere in the sig guidelines...

  21. Umm...thx? Ah, doesn't matter; i haven't updated my interests thing for about a year. =P

  22. Welcome to BZPower! Hope you have a good time here; you can send me a message at any time if you need something. =)

  23. Well, I don't go to LVMS, but I found out how to spell hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia from an agenda too; does your school use '1 Premeir' agendas?

  24. Well, not exactly. Each school seems to use a different design each year - like one of my friends from my old schools showed me his agenda (which was also 1 Premier), and was different from my new school's agenda.

    My agenda's front cover resembles a green blackboard with chalk pictures all over.

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