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Status Updates posted by Zahaki

  1. Wow... Hey Poko, I didn't relise this was you.

  2. Wow... You can't remember anything... Bummer... hey atlest you remembed Bzp, and your Password =p

  3. Wow... You got alot more Topic now Gav =p

  4. Wow... your on GregF friends list 0.o Lucky =p

  5. Wow.... I've been looking everywhere for you, I never thought you changed your name >.

  6. wow.... nice DP....

  7. Wow.... You must be one small smart kid, no?

  8. Wow..... You change your name alot.

  9. XD Awesome. I love the New Name Changed, Even people on the RPG Topic think so =D

    Oh Added 'The Past' in my Sig.

  10. XD Cool Avi and Name, I just saw that, Great Movie =p

  11. XD Great name =p

  12. XD I didn't know your 1 years old XD

  13. XD I forgot I commented on your Name XD

    But anyway I don't blame you.

  14. XD I know that really well.

  15. XD I use Fire.Spiter more. Just have that one. The Zahaki one is for the x-box, yet I'm on that sometimes too.

  16. XD Nice Pic DJ, I Hope Gavla Doesn't See That.

  17. XD Still holding onto that 1 post...

  18. XD Thanks Potu.

    I'll like to see what you come up with.

    Have you seen Akaku's Doodle of me? I love it =3

  19. XD, is it me or the only posts YOU do is closing Topics =p

  20. XD, look like your doing the Caramelldansen.

  21. XD, You missed under stode me, I used Paint to make the Banners, I stumpled on the Images. Right now I'm making Banners from the Trailerz >=D

    Aswell hope to see you back on the Rpg Topic, when they get it back up sometiem this week (Thats what they said)

  22. XD

    And souldn't that be 'Thought'?

  23. XD

    I get mine from Anime I watch =p

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