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Status Updates posted by Zahaki

  1. Hey LIVE Buddy! Hows it been? (Bored in Class =p)

  2. Oh This is YOU. What made you change your name?

  3. New comic Eljay! Hope you enjoy reading it!

  4. Hey! How have you been?

  5. Oh Crad. Been Busy with life XD

    I'll get right back to it. Urm... What 'Havn't' been done, or being done? And I'll head right onto it!

    I DO have a Karzani pic, if you want to view.

  6. *Kinda no point oh well*

    Happy birthday man. I was to busy yesterday to send you an message! Hope you ad a great day, got cool stuff, and Hope we'll talk later. We REALLY need to talk dude!

    (PS: Got X-Box LIVE)


  8. O.




  9. COOL!

    I'm writing an Epic too! Don't know when it will be out. Still need a title for it XD

  10. Fair enough. So how've you been?

  11. Hey, what made you add me as a friend?

  12. Welcome to BZPOWER!

    I hope you enjoy your stay here!

  13. OMG.... YAY Your a PM now (Just noticed on the Comic Topics)

  14. Hey Donz, going to go to bed now, talk to later on!

  15. Eljay, do you have your new RZ kit... If yes, please send it to me, and could it be on BrickShelf?

  16. Listening to iBzp just amoment ago... and I totally forgot how young you sound XD

  17. Hi, Welcome to Bzpower.

    I LOVE your Banner, where did you get it!!!

    I Soooooooo want one.

  18. Hey Eljay... You CAN take down the Christmas Lights now =p

  19. Cool. Hey, I'm goign Camping tomorrow, so I won't be able to help with anything until I come back!

  20. Nothing much... Drawing with tablet!

  21. Hey, not to sound like a baby, But where have you been man?

  22. Hi... Not to soudn Noobish, but I Love your Mocs, mostly the Nexensis ones!

  23. Eljay... you put the lights up, not aroudn you, but that could work too!

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