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Status Updates posted by Burnmad

  1. Well, 17 is cool too. :P

    Next year, you can make it seventeen again. :P

  2. Well, that stinks.

  3. What kind of request would that be?

    -Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons


  5. Wow, long profile.

    The only person I know of who has a longer one is a member named .:Tech:.

  6. Yes, I did, because it fails.

  7. You dont by any chance have a gamecube do you?

    -Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

  8. You guys are sooooooooooo awesome! Thanks for keeping the blogs clean!

  9. You have diabetes? That's sad face. :( *gives the hug his siggy states he needs*

  10. You like halo (3 of course)

  11. You like Metroid, eh? The series or the original one?

  12. You're afraid of anything that can sting you?

    Join the club.

    -Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

  13. Your local time is the exact same as mine! Where do you live?

  14. Yup, .:Tech:. got me into this fad.

    Die duck fad!!!!!

    -Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

  15. ZOOOOOOOMBIEEEEEEEE!!! *Starts bashing on the head with a muffler*

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