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Status Updates posted by Tjin

  1. Why does it take so long to make a comic?

  2. Czesc, jak leci?

  3. I know it's Chen. I'm asking where did you get that picture of her.

  4. Tjin

    Could you remove link to my comics from your sig? I failed and I don't want anyone to link to my failure.

  5. Where is your avatar from?

  6. Tjin

    Kodan, you old man!

  7. Yayz, you've got a Vahi!

    Why not celebrate it?

  8. I turned 15 and nobody noticed it. Yaaaay!

  9. Kuuls likes to spam in your comic topic, doesn't he? I mean posts like "alright!" it's spam IMO

  10. I found your comics. yay

  11. WAAAH! I want him to come back >

  12. Do something with it!

  13. It looks like your MAS is dying.

  14. You became boring.

    I want you to make a comic for BtG even though you skipped your turn.

    Khols is sleeping...

  15. I want you on the CM chat.

  16. I'm the invisible man.

  17. I haven't been because I was busy.

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