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Status Updates posted by VampireBohrok

  1. Hey there, welcome to BZP!

    I hope you'll have a great time ;)

  2. Hey, Ata, even if we haven't been in touch for a while, I'd like to wish you a happy birthday!

  3. Hey, happy birthday pal!

  4. Hey, I got a notification saying you replied to my City of Wretches topic earlier today, but I can't see any post by you there. I'm mildly confused by it, do you have any idea what happened?

    1. Flex Lord Splash

      Flex Lord Splash

      Honestly I have no idea. I was confused too. I assume a moderator didn't accept my comment for whatever reason?


      I was just posting to say how awesome I thought your comic was and how I loved the style and I'd love to see it continued.

    2. VampireBohrok


      Alright, I think the post might have been removed because of how old the topic is? Iunno.

      Either way, I have full intentions on continuing the comic whenever I stop being so terribly lazy.

      I've improved a my drawing lot since then anyway, and chances are it'll look better when I'm not on

      a specific deadline.

    3. Flex Lord Splash

      Flex Lord Splash

      Sweet man, and I guess so but that's sort of lame. How are we supposed to bring a old thread back if we are interested in it if our post get's deleted for the thread being too old?

  5. Hi yourself. *Waves back*

  6. Hmm yes,

    or I could go with Bro.

    Because someone did have Jack Noir as a name for a while, right?

  7. Holy snap congrats on the promotion B)))))

    1. Sumiki


      Thanks. B)B)B)B)

  8. how did I get here I am not good with computer

  9. I could add a bunch of random red, green and yellow pieces if that makes you feel better. =D

  10. I don't think we've crossed paths before, so please do motivate your adding me to your friends list.

  11. I draw them by hand, mostly.

  12. I exchanged some of the pics in the original topic as well as the gallery. So yeah, they're up.

  13. I got that strange email too.

    It's just... Lolwut?

  14. I haven't seen that one either. -.-

    It must be good if it got a sequel, though. :P

  15. I just read your post count title as "Makuta of Metru Nui Salad"

    1. Sumiki


      fresh salad

    2. Sumiki


      contains shadow dressing and Kraahkan lettuce

  16. I made it from a nice Seamstress pic I found.

  17. I noticed your sig... My cat behaves just like that when there's a bug around. XD

  18. I revamped my VB MOC. It has wingz!

  19. I sent you your banner in a PM. Did you recieve it?

  20. I suggest that you exchange that banner; that site is strictly forbidden here.

  21. I think I'm detecting instabilities already.

  22. i think it's safe to say that your banner freaks a part of me out

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