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Status Updates posted by VampireBohrok

  1. Man I need suggestions for a Homestuck related name change. D:

  2. maybe the real national treasure was the friends we made along the way

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Makaru


      *Nic Cage Voice* We're going to have to steal all my friends

    3. Owlexander


      Here lies Forgeta, died from laughter.

    4. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      This statement is tried and true, and I can prove it to be so. Because that is the way of my lifes course.

  3. more like

    G L O R I O U S

  4. My sig used to say "I was VampireBohrok", maybe I took that out a bit too early. =P

    Now, I must say that your name only would

    make a bunch pf gentlemen to take you to a nice man who can talk to you.

    And that's just the name. :)

  5. Nah, don't think it'll be a comedy. More likely battle scenes or dialogues or stuff like that.

    I doubt they'll be coherent either.

    But eh, it's just a thought as for now. I'm sure something will come out of it, one way or another.

  6. Nah, the last time I saw the movie was like aaages ago. :P

  7. Name change, MUHAHAA!

  8. Name change, MUHAHAA!

  9. Never! Never EVAR! MUHAHAAA

  10. Nice graphics you've got there.

  11. Nice to see that you've gone premier. =D

  12. Niiiice.

    I'm going to have an Ignika before I leave here, though.^_^

  13. No internet for a week, starting Saturday :C

    1. Brickeens


      WHAT NOOO ;__;

    2. Brickeens


      although wait today is saturday so you should be getting internets back today or tomorrow or something

  14. No, I haven't. What is it about?

  15. No.


    Or well, waybe.

    The Confederacy will

    consider it. :P

  16. Nope, a Monty Python sketch. :P

  17. Not when you're trying to sleep. -.-

    But agreed, they have this really cool metallic

    sounding call.

  18. Now let's sit back and watch how being a staff member affects your mental health. :)


    Well, so is TLI.

    I'm getting started again in February or something.

  20. Of course I can. :)

    I never was too fond of the Krom craze. =P

  21. oh cool I can have one of these now

  22. oh god the sig

    i almost died, man

  23. Oh hai! =]

    Well, we've got nothing special going on currently, altough I kind of wish that we did. I suppose that we have decided who's doing what in the duel, except for Johnuva who never replied to me. :/

  24. oh hey cool you're an OBZPC

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