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Posts posted by vataki

  1. That 'hunt you down' thing is sorta out dated. That was what, February?I mean, unless you are still thinking about leaving...

    I suppose you're correct.Although it has been my intention to leave after 7th Generation.
  2. The new comic was funny.Just a tip, it helps to post in your topic when you have a new comic out. That way people will know when you have a new comic up when they see the topic has a new post.

  3. Y'know what's depressing? As soon as I read that post I realised I had a new message. You know what the message was? A notice from Gatanui that my sig was too big. Talk about disappointment.

    That must have been pretty disappointingNew comic
  4. GUESS WHAT'S UP FOR GRABS?!Okay, so I discovered that I have room for three more PGSes in season 7, so I invited two of my friends to PGS yesterday, and one other today. But today I also discovered that there is room for two more. So even though usually I do invite-only, I couldn't decide who to invite this time... sooooooFIRST TWO MEMBERS TO PM ME WITH SIX SHADE CHIMORU OMEGA SPRITES WILL PGS IN TIMELY INSANITY: 7TH GENERATIONHURRY UP BROS

  5. So, I decided to make some Holiday preparations. I made a Holiday-themed header for the comics. And a fireplace background. With a Christmas tree.Here, see for yourself.I also went back to my old RZ sprite, but that was just a random choice I made having nothing to do with Christmas.

    Amusing, but I didn't get a lick of it. Also, here's a hint:To make a comic look less lazy, might I suggest that the next time someone's running in the background they actually run and not stay in place the entire time? Just saying it makes the comic look more lively.
    Yeah, I thought about it. But I also thought about how that whole part of the comic was supposed to happen quickly.Snicker not moving sort of indicated that, I thought.
  6. So, I decided to make some Holiday preparations. I made a Holiday-themed header for the comics. And a fireplace background. With a Christmas tree.Here, see for yourself.I also went back to my old RZ sprite, but that was just a random choice I made having nothing to do with Christmas.

  7. Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it?I juts can't help but laugh at the Noobicorn. I mean "Noobicorn Matinence"? That's a pretty poor reason to give your cast pay raises. I thought they came in bulk.

    It's been awhile, indeed. How's the wife?And it's how often the Noobicorn needs maintenance. :P That's why PGSes don't get raises.I plan to make a comic continuing the previous one, soon.
  8. YAY, Noobicorn Ballad! That was hilarious bro."Any Comic is a funny comic when the Noobicorn is present." -Noobicorn's Law of Humor

    ...THAT WILL BE MY NEXT NOOBICORN-THEMED COMIC"The Noobicorn's Law of Humor"
  9. "Sorry doesn't fix the noobicorn." That was hilarious. By the way, can you give me a link to the noobicorn sprite, I would like to use it in a Christmas comic I'm making. Also, do you need my updated sprite sheet?

    Sure, I'll PM it to you.
  10. Fan Comic Contest results:Well, I've recieved several very interesting fan comics. I will base the score of each comic off of Humor, Quality, and the score of both of those will decide the over-all score. Note: Highest score doesn't matter as far as prizes go, but it will decide the order of introduction as PGS/GS in Timely Insanity: 7th Generation.King Joe's Submission:Quality: 7/10Humor: 7.5/10Over-all: 7.5/10Review: I liked the way that King Joe related (what was when he made this comic) one of my recent comics to his fan comic submission. I did notice a lot of really weird Noobicorn hybrids in a lot of the fan comics I received, and the Noobi-television was a good one. :P Nice work.NX09's Submission:Quality: 8/10Humor: 9/10Over-all: 9/10Review: I was bursting out with laughter nearly the entire time reading this comic. I loved the weird video game-based Noobicorn. That probably made me laugh more than anything in the whole comic. And Sashi's explaination to why she was floating on panel 15 was simply brilliant. Over, I loved this comic. Excellent work, my old friend. (P.S. that isn't an insult to your age... I meant that we've been friends for a long time... please don't go pyro on me.)Hordika22 Submission:Quality: 7/10Humor: 8:/10Over-all: 7.5/10Review: The spoof of an average nature documentary was genius. And I loved how you even gave your character an Aussie accent. :P It took me a minute or two to find out what panel 10 was all about, but you should probably blame the fact that I couldn't remember who Matau was for that. Good comic.Katarno Kuuls' Submission:Quality: 7/10Humor: 7/10Over-all: 7/10Review: Similarly to the way King Joe related one of my previous comics to his fan entery, Katarno related his to his guest star comic which was released a few days before he entered. Again, I love when this happens. It feels awesome when someone makes a comic related to your's for some reason. Nice work, KK.Makuta Of Comedy's Submission:Quality: 9/10Humor: 9/10Over-all: 9/10Review: MoC, you kept me laughing nearly the whole comic. Almost every panel is funny, and the only one that isn't is the one that says "And suddenly this happend." :P The quality was very good, and I loved the font you used along with the glowing text. They really fit well, together. You did a great job with this comic... give yourself a pat on the back, unless it seems kinda' lame to you.Matoran Oneker's Submission:Quality: 7.5/10Humor: 7/10Over-all: 8/10NYAN. I loved the reference to the Nyan cat. Which could just be because I love the Nyan cat, though. And the "Nooban cat" was beautiful. It appears you were really able to capture the original hideous-ness of the Noobicorn and blend it with the style of a pop-tart cat with rainbows flying out of it's behind. :P I was originally going to give the comic a 7/10 in Quality, but the Nooban cat easily makes it a 7.5/10. Good job.Final Comments: So I did enjoy every comic that was submitted, and to be qiute honest, it has actually been hard to pick a winner. But I had to make a decision... One that I thought was fair. So you all did a very good job, and I thank all of you for entering such awesome comics.The Winners:Grand Prize: NX09 *streamers and confetti and other party stuff*1st Prize: Makuta Of Comedy *more streamers and confetti and other party stuff*And King Joe, Hordika22, Katarno Kuuls, and Matoran Oneker will all make special guest star appearences in Timely Insanity: 7th Generation.Once again, thank you all for the great fan comics, and thank you for reading and supporting my comics. Timely Insanity: 6th Generation will continue with new comics until December 25th, and Timely Insanity: 7th Generation will be coming soon.

  11. So I made a (late) birthday comic for Snicker, who turned 13 yesterday.Also, today marks the ending of the fan comic contest. Submissions to the contest are no longer valid, but you can still submit fan comics if you wish.I will be announcing the winner within the next few days.

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