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Posts posted by vataki

  1. I liked the second one. The first one I did not get. And normally at this hour, I laugh at such things. What's WRONG with me!

    What didn't you get about it? I'm sure I can explain it to you.
  2. I NEVER remember having the goldfish conversation. Ever. Good comic though. I still feel like the thought bubbles should be switched though.

    Not all of my comics are based off of conversations. Some just come to mind, and I make them.
  3. Only thing is, Giggles was a character in some of my earliest comics, like near the end of season 1. Which was before NR introduced Makito into his comics, so he may be similar to Makito in some ways, but he is in no way based off of him.

  4. Ever since I listened to Angels and Airwaves I had the biggest craving for a delay pedal. :P

    The Edge (of the band U2) uses delay pedals in astonishing ways. He invented a sound around delay, reverb and echo pedals. He's a genius.
  5. I've been playing for nearly 3 years, now. I own an Ibanez AW35ECENT Acoustic-Electric guitar. That's just my most prized one. I also own a very cheap Fender Starcaster Strat that I have owned for nearly two years now. I also have a Line 6 Spider IV 15-Watt amplifier, which I plan to replace with a Fender Mustang II 40-Watt amplifier sometime soon, hopefully. Then I'll be saving to buy a Squier by Fender Classic Vibe 50s Stratocaster to replace my Starcaster. I don't have very many pedals, because I mostly prefer a clean sound, but I plan to get a Boss DS-1 Distortion, and maybe a Dunlop or Ibanez Wah pedal, soon.

  6. I watched the first 7 episodes, then I got upset because I couldn't find any more episodes with English subtitles. I didn't really look very hard, but what I saw was absolutely amazing. It's the only anime show I'll actually sit down to watch.

    Gurren Lagann is one of those rare occasions were the english dub is actually quite impressive.
  7. Okay, seriously just introduce the new character already. Lol -- even though I know who it is, making a million comics saying it's a "suuuuuuuuuprise" is kind of pointless. Just a though.

  8. Why have a charactor sheet?We have a random hobo, the author, and random people who give hobo a hard time.

    Oh, I understand now. I just didn't realize that he was a hobo when he said "it's your fault I lost my job three years ago."So, yeah, nevermind about the character sheet.

    Why have a charactor sheet?We have a random hobo, the author, and random people who give hobo a hard time.

    Oh, I understand now. I just didn't realize that he was a hobo when he said "it's your fault I lost my job three years ago."So, yeah, nevermind about the character sheet.
  9. Wow, didn't find out that these were back until now. Well you've done a great job so far, with both the humor and quality. I'd say this is a big step up from 2.0. (Not that 2.0 was bad or anything, these are just obviously quite better.) Well, good luck with these. I'll check back whenever I can.

  10. Hey. Pretty good comics you've got here. Might I suggest a character sheet, at some point? It would help readers like myself, who have never really payed attention to your comics before, become a bit more familiar with the characters. On a side note, the old lady in the most recent comic is awesome. If she isn't already, you should make her a regular character.

  11. New comic, my friends. (and giggles.) Also, even though I have previously had hopes of finishing this season by August, BZPower was offline during that time. So the season finale has been delayed. I will be making some more comics so that I'll have enough to release to end this season by the series' fourth anniversary, (Dec. 25th, a.k.a christmas) and then run another season starting sometime in 2012. A very minor update. Look forward (or at least I hope you look forward... haha) to some more comics very soon. (btw if you didn't know, giggles is singing "Bad" by Michael Jackson on panel 4... sorta'...)

  12. Hey, being a nerd is a great thing. It may mean you're on the computer a lot, but it also means you're very smart. Play more Minecraft, you'll get smurter. :3 ~ :h:~

    HAHA, Cool story bro!

    I agree with the Minecraft = nerd thing. Though, I'm a nerd WITHOUT Minecraft... So I'll shut up. Glad they're back up.

    Don't feel bad. You're just not in the 96% of the people in the world that don't play minecraft. :P
    Actually, I don't play minecraft. That was my point when I said I'm a nerd without it.
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