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the clown prince of crime

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Status Updates posted by the clown prince of crime

  1. so i herd ye like mudkipz :P

  2. sorry just get kind of annoyed by hoh many of those names i see

  3. sorry...oh welz "thehulk888" sucks too

  4. spam man:vishet muh comedy pleze

  5. thanks for adding me to your friends list:)

  6. the joker is so cool and so is that movie

  7. then i hope my topics are good:)

  8. u is toa celibrate! party party party...PARTY!

  9. ur lucky i've been here 4 a while and i still don't have five stars

  10. uuug ANOTHER?!? "ZYGLAKKY" NAME?!?!? my gosh...

  11. wait! you're hukster1.5 now right?

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