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Toa Deserok

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Status Updates posted by Toa Deserok

  1. Sorry to interrupt you, Moon, but I still haven't gotten a review of my epic yet (only two chapters). If you are tasked with anything else, than please tell me so.

  2. Not to be a bother, but you still haven't made any reviews for my epic "Cold Dawn."

    I can say though, it does seem like you have a LOT of attention. So I am just letting you know.

  3. Hey. It's Toa Dez. I was hoping that you could review one of my epics for me (links are on the bottom of my sig if you need help looking). Since I've been reviewing your epic, I figure you could maybe review one of mine or two just in exchange or so. Thanks!

  4. I can take the heat. I've gotten it before, so it shouldn't be new.

  5. And no, I don't mind if you review Cold Dawn. I do however recommend that you review DatS before you go on to the short story because the short story is a spin-off of the epic. You would be missing out on important info from reading the short-story alone.

  6. Happy Birthday, Takanuvia!

  7. Question: Where did you get that profile picture (I'm asking because it looks like it's from the July-2009 comic)?


  8. Thanks for reviewing my topic, Taka! I really appreciate it.

  9. No. This is more inspired by comics like "Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers" or by other fiction written like that.

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